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Lighting Candles of Love and Support for the Soul, Family and Communities of Athena Strand of Texas

on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 18:13
With the headlines online letting the country and world know that the FedEx delivery person, Tanner Lynn Horner age 31, who kidnapped a young girl who had left her home briefly. From news reports, it turns out, the 7 year old girl Athena Strand, had an "argument" (or disagreement, conflict, or perhaps did not feel listened to or understood about something then or as part of a pattern.
Athena was living with her father who had left to go hunting, and her step-mother, but was going to move from Texas to Oklahoma to live with her mother.  On November 30th, 2022, in around 4:15 pm she had the conflict with her step-mother. The reports indicate the step-mother  may have thought Athena was in her room and checked an hour later, finding she was not there.
Apparently she was allowed to walk around the neighborhood on her own or had sometimes walked off on her own. The step-mother searched for an hour before calling for help. Those kinds of 'key moments...from allowing a child to leave a home or walk away and not inform someone even if next door to a friend's all need to be reviewed and clarified to prevent problems in the future.
A bulletin board with 'markers' for each family member to chart where someone is (at school, the store, running errand, at a friend's nearby etc or  a notebook or  pencil and paper left by a door can remind people to tell someone where they are going etc. ...All key points for the country to set guidelines to remedy regarding watching others in general. Sadly within a short time of Athena leaving apparently the driver who was making a delivery in the area took her and ended her life within the hour of doing so.
With many people sharing condolences online it shows how much we can be moved by such a story or experience and want to support the loved ones and extend prayers to those harmed or killed.  The  passing of every young person or tragic situation often does, any untimely or unnatural turn of events harming or creating a rift in the expected normal dealings of the day and the lives of loved ones and communities.
With all due respect and a great deal of support for family and all involved in this and any similar turn of events (some play out over years and others without warning and seemingly without any connection...and yet many theories of how we can create better outcomes and flow with our intentions and consistent actions.)
It seems to me we can go over the events and see what can be done to prevent such harm in the future. One person shared the FedEx trucks will always remind her of Athena's life and loss. That is understandable and again more caution about where packages or interactions (exchanges of goods, meeting people and interviewing and building support over time for instance) would be helpful take away from this situation.
Mainly have things directed to an office or post office or other pick up/drop off center, even near a police station or a public place when it's open such as a store, a library, faith gathering and so on (before or after a program, out in a parking lot but near others.)
In rural areas that makes even more sense and around custody issues, every school would do well to understand the dynamics of every family situation (stress or change in not only the parenting or caregiving roles and coverage but also for a family that has moved, is building a home or having a new child or caring for others, even many pets or farm animals to understand the responsibilities and overall sense of routines for work, having down time, regular sleep and so on so people are 'functioning at a good level.')
Offers for short-term support (coverage during school vacations for programs for kids and parents to network seasonally and keep in touch if travelling even with a class parent or school representative or community liaison can help everyone feel they can find support for 'typical parenting challenges or developmental needs of a child or support for caregivers as well."
Wealthier places and programs usually have more support in the past few decades than most people ever would have imagined. But accessing things in a timely manner, having acknowledgement to keep someone 'connected' and anticipate other needs is an ongoing efforts few programs or states can keep up with. The opioid epidemic is one that swept the country for years before findings of what the problems are and ways to address them have become more common.
But for every family the home should be a haven and a place for safety for each person to be able to function overall and when special concerns arise ideally with 'natural social network support' but again using school and faith as well as library and other 'publicly accessible' people an services (even online and with phone support) that could iron out more problems.
Often a few people 'sponsoring others who are open to support' can be a key step in a process and bridge gaps. Those things work well when relationships and skill sets can be developed over many years. So people with younger family members often would benefit from knowing people with older children and who can inform them of ways to get involved and have back up to cover special needs along the way whether economically (SNAP and Fuel or Energy Assistance, Housing Assistance or other needs.)
Again in wealthier communities the social services can be quite a plus but in low income areas, urban areas it can be 'a dessert', even finding fresh food can be a challenge let alone extra support. The gaps are looming ever larger and again more alliances among 'the haves and have-nots' as communites, states and faith or education efforts are all worth 'connecting the strands of wisdom, understanding, partnerships and care.'
The needs in healthcare as well as many other areas are looming large, particularly with an aging population of 'Baby Boomers (those 60 and up.) Society has created more ways for efficiency but keeping up with the human relationships is another area to invest in and fine tune particularly with the many ways people create households and keep up with work and even dreams. Now back to more of what I shared on a post online in a forum about the turn of events and time of remembering this precious soul, Athena ...a true angel for our times to remind us all of the many who are taken too soon.
Teachings from and many others indicate that our energy and even identity in various ways continues on and that the waking up of humanity on this 'new planet and with a new support from on high' is a pinnacle time in the galaxy not just our world. All of nature and the many forms of life and beings are pulling together for the most part on higher levels even while some are 'stuck in a certain dimension of mainly physical reality and too often some in a dire state of depravity and brutality.'
I am rooting for all of us to get curious and consider even through the movies from many genres that all of us can be benefitting from 'the wins' of humanity and yet we also feel the connection we have by leaning into the 'losses and sorrow' of our fellow brothers and sisters, other people from this time and over the span of humanity. What will the future hold? Like water cupped in our hands, we are each here for a fleeting time, yet each of us is precious to have ever 'gotten here this far.
' Maybe someone like this 'terribly gone astray Tanner' will turn more hearts away from making the hurtful choices against others and themselves. Thankfully because he was caught and confessed the idea that 'he got away with it' will not spur others on the brink of disaster to do the same. But the damage will speak to many who accidentally or intentionally nurture harm against others, 'even for a very good reason.'
Unfortunately there are not enough trainings to help those who are violated, but victims and their loved ones and communities, seek to find a higher road of healing that includes permission to let go of revenge and hateful thinking. A woman I met who wrote "Left To Tell' who had been in the Rwandan Genocide and had the support of the late Dr. Wayne Dyer to share her message with the world that 'we cannot sow seeds of hatred.'
That is what can turn neighbors and famlies into enemies, who not only distance themselves from one another but can be turned to harming and neglecting each other with severe consequences. Her people  from her villages had somehow let differences that had not created tension become deal-breakers and soon led by certain forces created the 'overnight changes' that led to neighbor killing neighbor, friend harming friend.
The devastation is such that more of humanity needs to hear loud and clear about the bigger waves of 'inhumane actions' that we are not allowed to process and help prevent in meaningful ways. The idea that individuals and local problems can be enough for most to focus on and base their lives on is shrinking even in the light of climate refugees (who are predicted to be in the millions) needing to leave their land for higher ground as the ocean rises.
So as hard as it is to face the pitfalls of our advanced society in America today, overall we need to try to see the Big Picture for humanity...and that would include learning from many other posts I have shared here for over a decade, feeling compelled to try to save us all time, money, effort, fear and worry about things by sharing wisdom, life experiences (yes, the good, bad and confusing and political, economic and legal or financial questions and quandaries.)
So now back to my original post about the events in "Paradise, Texas" and again with support and concern for all in Athena's family and school, wider community and our world of which she is now a shared angelic team player (along with many others of all ages, races and situations of struggle or decline who we can honor for their lives and legacies and still feel connected to beyond what 'makes sense' or has been proven.) 
Here is what her loving and broken-hearted mother Maitlyn Gandy shared on FB and was covered in the news. Thank you to both parents and all caregivers and loved ones who were part of giving Athena a good life and wanted the best for her and are sharing in the healing journey for one another and our wider world as well.

Her name is Athena Presley Monroe Strand. She was perfect from her creation. She was born perfect and too beautiful,” Maitlyn Gandy wrote in a Dec. 4 Facebook post.

“Daddy and mommy were scared of how beautiful she has always been and we feel like we failed you,” she continued. “No one deserves what happened to you, but especially you. I love you and love doesn’t even cover it. Mommy is broken without you.”-- from Athena's Mom Maitlyn Gandy as shared on Facebook.

The delivery company often uses a network of other services, so it's not just on them. There was no red flag on his chart, so that needs to remind people there are not always warnings as a show about teen Elizabeth Thomas (a student groomed and abducted but thankfully not killed though violated by a "respected" teacher even after a problem was identified...and clearly would have been ideal to have her at a different school or really removed from town with support until he was put under 24/7 surveillance voluntarily...if he didn't have anything to hide. Maybe he could have gotten serious psych help since but was left to decline.
The nationwide Amber Alert helped locate them and yet more victims need support (the wife of the troubled man for instance should have had a major intervention for safety for her and her kids....) Over the decades we are learning, slowly and hopefully with more meaningful networks to identify the ways to Stay Safe and Not Allow the Crimes to Continue (which is often the case even in custody cases where there is abuse.)
The bigger problem is too many males have an issue with hearing or seeing someone who is vulnerable and not taking advantage or harming them.Some say 'they can't control themselves' but that would be a clue to have a support person remind them of daily routines and to not go to places or be around people that they may not relate well too (yell at, blame, feel they are being coaxed by and more.)
It's a 'power and control' issue, and maybe one linked to hormonal levels and many other psych/socialization issues, maybe even 'past life' issues.
Finding ways to keep people tuned into the possibility of being an energetic being not only a physical one can help deflate that sense of difference and wanting to harm others rather than to get support.
Some people have deep shame or violation issues and really don't know the Bigger Possibilities, so are caught up in short-term culturally scripted dramas.
Not having enough early on or at times can throw people into desperate mindsets and with the cost of living going up it could create other waves of seeing Differences as greater than the Similarities.
Clearly this young person was a far more evolved person than the one taking a life. If he can become honest (if allowed to function in prison....which is another widespread problem) maybe we could hear more of 'what he thinks factored into his crime...and whether this was a first.'
More people who are prone to giving into their 'distorted thinking or wanting to have their way, treating others as objects or pawns' need help finding ways to live in an accountable way and not be around people or places that they may violate.
As for youth and others, everyone needs to be more accountable for where they are, who they are with and not trust society to be looking out for them since many people are not team players. See more about domestic abuse (often families and social groups are involved in harm to one another.
Gangs for instance account for a lot of violence as well. But that may link back to poverty or having a hard time making ends meet as well as needing to be included or being pressured to join for one's own 'protection'.
The setting of a quiet neighborhood is one that is unusual and yet a reminder of the need for doing what we can to help every family and school have shared support for all families and address practical care matters as a child develops and any challenges come up.
It's work to have positive routines and support and may families are stressed with doing the basics (and going to school is a job as is being prepared for the programs, routines and ongoing issues whether an 'intact' family or one with other dimensions, step-families, daycares and caregivers, support groups and programs whether at a faith group, sports, music, arts and community events.

Some people are not involved in much at all and also not aware how to ask for help or join in, and that goes for many people over a lifetime, so more help including everyone and offering support 'for the little things' calls, FB groups and ways to stay connected may be a more helpful strategy every age group, school and community can use to 'connect the strands of hope, faith, support and care' on all levels...including at this time for this family and area.

One of the first things I thought of when hearing her 'STRAND" as Athena's last name was that we are connecting strands.. That is a key message from The Reconnection as offered to many around the world by Eric Pearl. Also Tesla Metamorphosis speaks to the kind of energy and messages we can hear from 'another realm'.

Along with teachings from over the ages, including those by Rudolf Steiner which are linked to the Waldorf Schools, nurturing the souls of all people are key ideas to healing on all levels. Choosing to 'put down our swords with healing words' towards ourselves and others, intentions for good when going to sleep and waking up and much more are the simple yet powerful steps to help us slow down, catch our breath and see if we can have a new lease on life when devastation seems to be lurking.

Having support through the media and established forums is a necessity yet most of those are bought up or taken down, so again learning who is driving the bUS and program for our times is key. The Big Delivery People are the ones we need to make sure are On Our Team and not doing someone's ill bidding.

Dr. Steven Greer is heralding the effort to discover the truth about many aspects of our times and world, saying this is a make or break moment and decade for humanity to turn a corner and claim a universal understanding of how to survive in the coming decades with shared wisdom and advocacy for energy that does not destroy the environment or pit people against each other due to profit margins.

Let's learn together and remember many loved ones we think of when seeing the stars and the start of each day are rooting for us, as are many trees in the forest and our forest of friends around the world from all species and nature herself and the divine woven throughout the universe, including yours and mine, 'youniverse and me-a-verse, like a song that is harmoniously resonating and empowering our shared biofield. (No that was not an effort for the longest run-on sentence, but if there's a contest feel free to enter it!)

Whatever circles we are part of and when we gather or take time to pray and reflect let's allow for the love to win as we remember also all those who were moved by TANSH, Tragedy at Newtown Sandy Hook events in CT and again felt around the world ten years ago. We do need to look at things from all angles and know that there are many technologies and levels of society that may not know what is happening.

Even though the wrongdoings of the reporting by some making anything up and not labelling it as conjecture or 'what if in case we need to consider more that what we know or are being told (without time-stamped accurate video coverage of everything that maybe was made but was not people could comprehend what transpired and with the idea of satellites in the sky supposedly able to map our everything going on here on earth) We are all 'waking up into a shared sense of what the possibilities are of many situations on many levels.

The age of ignorance and innocence being sufficient or part of the program is not the norm. There are Evacuation Routes signs and warnings to be aware of and ways to live for a week in quarantine shared online and  posted in NYC as there are in Florida. As ocean levels rise that will be more the norm so those with networks (often from large religious groups to other alliances maybe through a state, regional or other effort or connection) the more people who will feel prepared and hopefully can help Lead the Way for others, online or through more shared efforts and ideas.

See more on Turtle Garden Permaculture Game and to get those creative minds flowing, listen to The Jewel Story by  Catherine Palmer Paton (a half hour audio only at this time for free though so can fit into anyone's budget if one has a half hour to listen even over a few 10 minute times.)

That is a story I told my kids about 30 years ago and hope to share with more soon in an e-book in many languages and print copy too. It goes well with the season of December and speaks to the power of connnecting strands and expanding them as well, allowing for flow among people, animals, nature, especially water in its many forms and of which we are mainly comprised as well but also of LOVE that really is a magical thing and can help us heal and create anew together!

I'm hoping those in spirit are feeling we're on the right path and that such efforts from each of us, like bits of a sparkling jewel that once were connected can be transformed anew and united to shine with the sunlight and moonlight, and lovelight that is our being and destiny with love from above.