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A Few Recipes for Fun and Sharing the Planning and Implementation of Parties, Projects and Success!

on Mon, 11/21/2022 - 23:16

Hello and Wishing All a Nice Thanksgiving with family, friends, community members and more...

Here are a few 'recipes' for making the next month plus into 2023 as positive and enjoyable as possible...of course, fill in with lots of fun and keep track with some photos to remember whose showing up to make each day more of the gift it is!

Finding balance will be everyone's 'game'...pacing the making of delectable food or otherwise pitching in (rides, teams of cooking and cleaning and even planning and taking breaks for oneself to enjoy the moments and savor the flavors...) 

Thanks to all pitching in with community meals in Canaan and in Great Barrington (Guthrie Center is doing take-outs with reservations...) With good weather it should be 'smooth sailing' and hopefully all can plan for safe drivers (sober, calm and timely...) 

Please keep track of one's belongings in terms of visiting and going out to bars/ restaurants and such...Mistakes or people on the prowl can snatch up a coat or purse in a minute then car keys, house keys, IDs , wallets or even phones can be lost. 

Having duplicate keys with family, friends and yes, hidden near one's home can be a plus (and yes, we are supposed to lock doors so insurance would pay out more readily if there were an issue about stealing but also for safety and helping prevent wandering or sleep walking, so that's elders or others who may begin to have that problem...and youngsters too.

 Once a young teen went out on a pond in the winter from a camp cabin...and thankfully a teacher followed the footsteps and talked them back in.

Maybe some items if taken will turn up down the road, but why risk it? Try to stop and check in with others if they have the things they need before and during the outings occur. Plus check again before leaving or getting in a car. Phones in pockets that are not zipped (or other things) can slide out or be put down for a minute and forgotten.

 Retracing steps is key often to finding things but so much better to Transition S-l-o-w-l-y from one room or place to the next when at someone's home (or even in one's own.) Of course more people are getting the 'locator buttons' from Apple or other places to find their stuff...and that could be a good plan too. 

Looking over things on would be helpful for everyone to 'see what could be useful' for others and of course oneself now or in the future. Everyone would do well to have a POA, Power of Attorney and back up (that's one for finances and decisions and one for healthcare too.)

 Check with elder law attorneys or sites like for more terms and upcoming events in one's life (especially if in one's 50s and up.) It can take years to figure things out and of course, it's important to keep up with one's health and physicals too (bloodwork to check one's A1C --google it, and blood pressure etc.) 

Of course, doublecheck that stoves and such are turned off even in places like church coffee hours or other club meetings. Working in pairs can be a plus on many levels, and keeping a calendar of when things need doing, renewing (or cancelling if doing a free trial) or using a coupon to get a discount and such.

 Downloading info from online courses or other files to a hard drive is something I hope to get better at (and am open to coaching.) Who'd like to start 'learning together' from the many offerings most have signed up for but didn't map out ways to complete. 

Life happens but that doesn't mean we can't encourage each other to review the great things we've invested in (relationships, self-growth and care, groups and events, and then the more personal or micro matters such as finances, taking programs, pitching in with caring and helping others.) 

Again, over-giving can be life more people can plan to follow up with timely, even daily or hourly check-ins with their person/ team.

 Each country, state, region and town could think along these lines especially for people in need of care during a certain stage of life or time of the year (winter  with cold and housing needs or even summer when storms or heat can be a problem.) 

Lots of nice ideas mixed in with some tougher topics on my blog too. See what the Turtle Garden Permaculture Game can do for you and your crew whether to plan a garden, project like teams to clean, set up, cook and serve and so on, set up entertainment and decorations and more. 

Use the design process and 'ethics and principles of PERmaculture (people care, earth care and resource share), saving energy, working together and with nature not against it...and more to help guide you through the seasons of the year and through your life as well! Bon Appetit!