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Going Once, Going Twice. Sold to the Highest Bidder (the earth and humanity that is.)..And that's the few not the many if we don't speak up loud and clear for more than a year, but esp. Nov 8th to VOTE for health and choice!

on Fri, 11/04/2022 - 01:14
Hello To Many (and okay to share...)  Happy November...and as usual to all who have birthdays this month!
Sue Morter is offering replays about energy and healing for free for a few days. Hope more can catch the vibe as it were that we are made of more than 'bread and water...blood and bones..." We really are magical beings but also 'electric' and thereabouts. I recall a friend (whose now in spirit) doing the 'electric vibe' dance years ago where he would make a swooth move from one arm through his body and through the other arm holding onto someone in a circle..then they would do so and of course, with music it made it a funky new way to dance 'together' yet in a free spirited way.

There's a new book out by Eric Pearl (who wrote The Reconnection) and who has travelled the world for decades encouraging people to 'connect the dots' as it were...that we are on the planet and below the stars and have our own special way of being 'healers' and connectors....and our DNA does better when we're tuned into that idea and allowing a flow with truth and fullness of living rather than being full of question marks and confused by many signals of distraction. There will be an interview with Lynne McTaggart and Eric Pearl and Jillian on Friday Nov. 4th, 2022 for free on line! I really dig all they share (for years now...and have met them a few times and taken the trainings as well...)
I know I am a bit 'into everything' in part knowing that kids of each generation see cartoons and sci fi such that older folks are left in the dark (or so it seems) Pressing questions in one field relate to similar ones in other fields...and few bridges exist even among people in a natural group or country.

Many feel the divisiveness of politics is to 'divide and conquer' for corporate interests (fossil fuel profits etc.) So hopefully we can have a few more 'satellite types' helping us consider how awesome humans are by nature and can be with more support to be nice and play well with others... and enjoy our earth and not destroy it.

 A tall order, but what options do we have? So thanks for all everyone is doing along these important lines of 'paddling our canoes in a meaningful reasonable direction.' Some have heard of Dr. Steven Greer whose the 'real Al Gore' for our times but one calling on people to wake up to the idea that we have some amazing energy sources (anti-gravitational as Nikolas Tesla was talking about and showing people before the Govn't did him in...and he looked so much like our illustrious Marc M, larger than life and ready to take on the world.

 Maybe they're chatting over strategies as to how to get more of humanity on board with saving the planet while there's this key decade or two to do so. People who are in their 60s-90s could really relate since our earthly forms may be 'clocking out' right about the same time life on planet earth we could try to be more motivated to allow others another few decades up to the 2050s and beyond if possible in a friendlier, healthier way.

Thanks for considering that important path and helping find ways to get more decision makers to think 'Big Picture' and not just the best for a few while the population is booming (and likely to really go big if Votes don't support medical and help for women...) Worth googling some info (from Mother Jones spring magazine that showed there was a plan to make abortion illegal from 20 years ago on technicalities that no one saw coming or thought would carry weight.

 It's strange women were given a chance to understand what being free and equal meant from over a hundred years ago (theoretically) and now that so much is possible, to 'turn the lights off' and make them find their way through their life journeys in the dark, alone...always alone really if there is an unplanned and unwanted or dangerous pregnancy or one that results from a violation (and that is the case  for tens of thousands and will be going forward even though many don't think it important to do some timely honest research and think of one's grandchildren's generation and even the older kids and adults today with having to face a swift change in reality and their own health and security options."

 Sorry to be direct yet everyone facing such traumas will be sorrier if they don't think 'people with some privilege and time didn't make an effort to think clearly and promote more support for them to have a chance at the kind of life the last 50 years have allowed all in society when it comes to healthcare and choice about keeping a pregnancy.' We can all think on this and pray for guidance... peace and light, Catherine