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A Jog Down Memory Lane and Tips for Modern Day Living With Self-Care too!

on Thu, 10/13/2022 - 13:01

Who grew up with a lot of noise in the house from people, TVs or even a radio blaring music (or a record playing at a danceable level?) I thought that was a great way to be 'tuned into life and get motivated to learn stuff' and could do homework with that racket going one. But by third grade I realized I'd have to have a quieter place to study at my desk and do my homework.

 I took it upon myself to set a bedtime that made sense, get my homework done and keep myself on track. School was easier back in the day, not much different from The Waltons era which we enjoyed watching (and laughing at old timey things like their pickup truck) but again the emotional life for a big family were intriguing...much more mellow than what we lived through in the 1960s and 70s as a culture and even in our small towns with drunk driving, speeding and streaking being heard of more than today in our small towns (well the first two are still a problem... and most folks are too sensible or liberal to run about naked ...but in NYC I think there is a nude bike riding day... and nudist colonies and beaches are available for whoever wants to be clothes-free..

.It is healthy to let one's skin breathe, so hopefully even infants and kids can wear summer clothes all year long indoors'. Also it's good for everyone to get some exercise and have routines for sleeping and eating (always a work in progress for me, but more or less that has been part of being a home-based person most of my six decades...)

 Good luck with finding support to do each of the things you Need to do and even what you Want to do... I share quite a few ideas and resources on and welcome more networking to get the grapevine of news and views growing (even though many new rules and regs are cutting back on what can be said by whom and without disclosures and fact-checking...)

"Cooking the books" is something we all can be more tuned into whether people are running a business (with many more IRS folks coming to check on people who make less than a million since there aren't that many millionaires one accountant pointed out to me...) and the many aspects of our society that we want to have 'go well' we need to clarify what does that mean and how can we work together to get there...

Freedom of speech does not mean verbally assaulting someone with one's emotional outbursts or yelling or ordering someone out of a room or a building (even if it's a person's home, how one acts is still on 'candid camera' and may be a crime.)

 Someone can ask or calmly direct someone to leave one's home (or a workplace etc) and can also specify a number of minutes (whether an emergency and less than five minutes or more reasonably if someone needs to get dressed or gather some personal items such as a cell phone, computer, wallet, medications and so forth, possibly some other clothes or important papers etc so would need a half hour to an hour. 

The person could plan to return with a third party to get other things that day or another day as people decide later through a third party as well when people are calm. When people live together as family or friends, housemates or roommates (in college or other set up since housing is tight) having clear guidelines Before, During and All along and during transitions would be ideal to clarify and tweak but can be largely shared by each country, state, college.

We can all learn from each other over a lifetime and 'finding what works' to help humans get good sleep, eat healthy food (mostly) and be hydrated (without sugary drinks, especially sugar substitutes which might interfere with good digestion and have other effects on a person that one doesn't worth googling info on that...) and live a reasonable life of balance including self-care (that's a biggie for caregivers, parents and of course expectant parents too or even extended family with worry or thinking about others before themselves over time and over the years...)