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From Getting Rides to Getting Wise, It Takes A Lot of Help and Some Laws to Protect Victims (and others too even not facing abuse)

on Wed, 10/12/2022 - 15:26

When someone was looking on a public FB page on the Northwest Corner Chatter for a ride service in Torrington CT, I heard a heartwarming story of someone being gifted eventually with free rides from a Taxi Service...Incredible and maybe not available to more folks nowadays, but it's good to know people care and many help behind the scenes.

This is what I shared....I know someone needing a ride to work and realize even in Torrington with buses, they don't run on Sundays...I would hope more people who know each others could form networks to help people 'within reason' but know many are worried (maybe rightfully so) about liabilities...that said, "there's got to be a better way' to figure all sorts of things out. I explore that on a blog and public FB pages and letters to The Lakeville Journal. I also network intentionally for decades (mainly up in these small towns) to see what can help families, elders, others with care needs...and it's slim pickings...

We really need to have some coordinated efforts to bridge gaps and help people' onboard to asking for or receiving help of many kinds..>It's a big part of country living but city dwelling also. The generosity that happens could be noted in some form (even anonymously) to inform and inspire people to 'never give up' even if they have to modify parts of their dream or game plan.

Someone had rides provided to work from the NW CT area and not sure how the request and funding came about but a bus for many working people or shopping should be more of the norm. I know it happens a bit but a 'one stop' shopping place for rides and helping figure things out would be great.

There is a stabilization center in Shelton CT (and one in each state to be able to have phone support...I heard of one in Poughkeepsie NY...and NY may have more support but also higher taxes for residents...)

Thanks for letting me share here and I'm doing it for the overall efforts, not just helping one person here and please keep more folks in mind even if not in need oneself. Best to all...

PS I helped someone move in a pinch and I'll map out what that took..and helped them have a place to stay rather than see them have to be on the street with their stuff for a night. They work hard in the fast food industry and likely need help budgeting and such but also the rents are high. I am still hoping to see them have more success and found someone to store their things. That took me about 20 hours of learning, doing and getting others to help.

I needed to do that for someone else just before that for a month (with police oversight of the move that will finally happen about 6 weeks after it was supposed to be a simple plan..but there were court orders put in place and more rules from the police overriding the court orders so things could not even be discussed about moving things through a third party, including the court mediator that was supposed to be able to help with that.

It costs about 150 to stay near the court to be on time for an early appointment (and avoid delays from weather or bad roads or road work, all of which were part of the adventure...) So sharing basics like renting a van from Uhaul and more about getting help each part of the way is some of what I share. Other people at court are some that helped one another with some moral support or actual other help (moving, housing...) but that is often not recommended since one can become 'part of the situation and have to be a witness' possibly...and Who Knows What. Safety would be good to map out, especially when people are deserving of help but may be desperate or have others in the wings who need help or are not playing with a full deck. If one person is needing help that may involve six others, and some may be seeing things 'through a specific set of rules or ideas or a bias.'

Talking with police about how things work or what options can happen to allow one party to move belongings off their property and be retrieved by the other party or their representative (if a person wants to put a criminal trespass order in place...even if there are no real reasons of harm or concern but just do to one person having the police alert someone they cannot access the person or property or any of their social contacts and so forth or receive communication from them either ...or they will be found in violation of the order'. While some people even in the legal arena (attorneys, judges and so forth) may not feel that is legit, one can be faced with such a dilemma.

Then one may need to proceed to consider not having one's belongings back at all or have to file a civil suit listing the items and filing for a few hundred or more in court to talk things over. With other court matters, sometimes those issues can be reviewed, a restraining order ex parte (initial short term one which requires a hearing in court or at least online with the court if the party filing requests it in a timely manner or gets a continuance to learn more about options for some valid reasons.)

The point of sharing all this is to point out What Most People Do Not Have a Clue About yet may end up facing 'one day to the next' even if one has been married and caring for their own children for years, caring for other people in need as an employee or friend or family member, or pretty much anything along the lines of just living but someone imagines or complains about something to the police or courts.

There can be huge gaps that sadly victims of domestic abuse and their children can fall through and have to fight like the dickens to try to alert people to their predicament...and the response will likely be "Crickets" and maybe confusing ideas and hopes but then more 'crickets' and sadly sometimes 'deadly silence' and no one can be sure who may be hurt or done in but if you see Battered Mothers Custody Conference info and Civic Resource Institute info on Domestic Abuse, it's primarily 'women and children' harmed by abusive men, the biological fathers or thereabouts.