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Titan Bool is this Marsupial's (Sugar Glider's) Name, Making Moves and Flying Cool is its Game...Nice Role Model for US All!

on Wed, 10/12/2022 - 14:39 is a link to see some magical daring flying by this awesome animal...not a bat but rather a Titan Bool. I will google more about said Bool but will leave you to ooh and ahh...Don't follow suit unless you have a parachute or are just dreaming! See other insights about having fun And staying safe (to have yet more fun in life and be fair and accountable to others... on and have a Titan Bool Kind of Day...You'll pull through if you believe you can and spread your wings of faith and wisdom!) Also drum on a table top with this rhthym from my friends at Foothills Hand Drummers..."Jump in the pool in your fancy bikini" ( Hit both hands on the word Jump, then do some L, R, L, R for the most of the rest and start right in again without a pause (but keep breathing!)

You can start slowly and speed up, get others to join in and so on. You can put your R hand (if that's your dominant hand) in the center of a drum (or flat surface of a table, a box or upside down garbage pail or bucket...) and that's the center and stronger sound..while the edge tones are on the edge and played mainly with your fingers close together. Google for more basics and see what John Marshall offers for teaching supports too.)

Have fun as your fly away with drumming...You've got this! No wrong answers (but check with others if you make a lot of noise which can happen as one gets swept away in the fun!) Lots more to learn in just a few minutes and sessions with online or in person help from others... Happy Drumming and Thanks for Helping Keep the Beat Growing Stronger as we Get to Live together on this one drum like earth...longer..Our heartbeats, footsteps, words and music and muscles are manifesting more magic and mystery than we can keep up with but we're getting more appreciative year by year.

Treat yourself with extra care each part of the year to connect with nature and nurturing yourself and others in balanced ways! See too about the Indigenous People's Day in the world and celebrated on 10/10/2022 in Great Barrington MA with guidance from author and activist Lev Natan and many who joined in the efforts and attended the peaceful healing gathering!

I was fortunate to be part of it because of word from Leslie Elias of Grumbling Gryphons of West Cornwall CT which has done remarkable performances and sessions with school groups for over 40 years! See more about their work on line with inspiring samples. You'll feel uplifted and transported to other times and cultures with your wings and mind spread wide! Lots of music and storytelling to join in even while watching the samples or videos so thanks for making time and any donations of sharing and funding such ventures! I appreciate support as well so feel free to be in touch on my public FB pages, Catherine Palmer Paton and Livfully

PS Some Fun Facts about Sugar Gliders shared in the video from Tik Tok about Titan Bool (a book could be a bit hit since that critter has 2M followers trying to keep up with the latest acrobatic and gliding tricks. The Sugar Glider jumps and spreads its limbs with a layer of skin stretching out that connects to ams to the legs so glides to its destination, generally the hand of the caregiver who deserves a peace prize for opening our eyes and hearts and helping us think about using our smarts (and talents) to inspire humanity and stay calm and carry on in these times. What can one little marsupial and mammal do to help the world? Apparently a whole lot of good and then some! 

The official name of a Sugar Glider is Petaurus breviceps (good game show or quiz word to know...but don't let kids tell you they're just being a sugar glider if wanting to slide down a bannister or jump from a tree with a blanket for wings.) The Sugar Gliders hail from the south Pacific and are native to Australia and New Guinea. That was all shared in the video but its easy to miss as one is focused on the flying that's done with ease and no trapeze! Time to show my circus friends this!