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Let US All Still "Dare to Care and Share!" We're Worth It (and Pretty Much, All We've Got.!) PLAN for More Equity and Vote in November!

on Sat, 10/01/2022 - 18:27
 In the Spirit of a Letter to the Editor-- Part of this was shared in The Lakeville Journal, pg B4 for Thur. 9/29/22 (i'll put the original up shortly...) Then I added a lot, so 'hang in there' it's quite a ride at times! I bring up topics for people to consult with professionals about but also to study about in advance hopefully of ever needing it for themselves.
That said when entering any social, work, or group relationship, review the legal implications of 'signing on' but also what the protocol would be if one needs to leave the contract or connection (or both) for any number of reasons... whether relocating, 'breaking up' or changing terms of a family or friendship situation, ending a working relationship or other study or internship, or not continuing it if there is a time to 'review and opt to renew'.
That may be something more people would want to 'build into a basic plan' for people one is in close contact with whether at work or socially, in family situations (even living in the same home or having the same children or others to care for, worth checking how much time one is supervising or responsible for being present, checking in, doing 'chores' or fulfilling other kinds of commitmetn and who can cover for someone short-term or longer.)
Lots more to ponder on those subjects, but sometimes taking a 'cooling off' or 'giving each other space' period of at least a day or more (if that's not the norm due to schedules etc) then maybe consult with people online or on the phone or in person and explore "options" for each person to have support and ways to meet their basic living and other needs in reasonable ways whether short-term or longer. Mapping out the kind of money or support each would need in practical ways can also be noted along with how much time it would take to 'set up new systems' and tie up loose ends.
Sensational September 2022 can be a turning point for more in our world and local communities to make the role of peace maker, participant and player on many teams the norm for "everybuddy."
"Step into Sept" as Team Players can be the start of a movement that continues each month with inspiration (Outreach in October and so on...) 
Hats off to all who brought the Goshen Fair and other wonderful events such as The Big E highlighting agriculture and animals among other offerings to educate and entertain thousands of people!
Seeing hundreds attend the Lakeville Journal final two events to celebrate the 125 years of news and views was exciting, especially as the illustrious Meryl Streep and Sam Waterston added their essays and comments as generous co-chairs of the stellar Gala! 
That might make VICE news and other mainstream media and put the on the map and create a ripple effect!
September 21st is the annual date for World Peace Day (with August being World Peace Month.) Corresponding with the founding date of Rotary International, February 23rd marks World Understanding and Peace with clubs doing special projects at that time. 
CROP Walks are popping up to address food support with donations accepted online. A walk  was hosted by the Falls Village Congregational Church! Many thanks to everyone pitching in to all of these efforts on  with time, talent and treasure.
Let's continue to launch meaningful ways to address many basic needs and funds to assist one another with  aging and protecting assets, caregiving, planning for transitions of hiring, firing or double-checking someone's physical and mental health, medications and any drug use so resources are used appropriately. 
That may mean prioritizing someone's health and verifying with a few team players (doctor, social worker and POA--power of attorney or responsible family and friends over a week or more) before making decisions and changes.
 Only using police or medical support if needed after a voluntary review (as is safe and appropriate to do so with online or phone support if not in person) could be promoted to use resources for emergencies and serious situations. 
It would help if schools and towns had ongoing 'examples and updates' for all to know about regarding housing, employment, landlord-tenant and many other kinds of situations that may be prone to conflict or stress, in need of immediate support or intervention and more.
Learning about 'restraining orders or protective orders', 'criminal trespass and harassment possibilities for one or more parties to put in place which may take precedence or not be able to be amended by a judge necessarily' and much more is important even if parties are trying to coordinate with a police presence for certain matters (exchanging something, allowing someone back on a work place or home setting to retrieve belongings in a set amount of time and so on.)
Those may become too burdensome for the police or not practical for various reasons even to line up in an immediate fashion and may be thrown back over to the courts (voluntarily and which would require people attending court possibly via remote online if the request is put in and granted in a timely manner by the applicant, etc. There may be a continuance requested and granted, but not necessarily.)
All of that may buy one or both parties more time to resolve matters through more amicable means but if the 'other orders such as criminal trespass are still in place' there may not be a way to communicate readily (even through a court mediator necessarily, but possibly...) and to have a person's belongings moved by the deciding party or someone they approve of (if that can be discussed) just off their property or loaded by someone the the other party approves of as well and removed completely, all in a timely, planned fashion. Ideally that would be within two weeks (just to start with something practical, but ideally it could be done sooner or later as suits all involved.) 
Practical actions such as moving items may be delayed if matters go to court due to a restraining order ex parte (if granted after an initial application and served to the other party for a short period usually of a few weeks with a hearing needed to put it in place for a longer period of time.)
It could prove very helpful to have 'moving and assistance' services at the ready via online or phone support and hopefully even for practical actual moving jobs (small, medium and large, small might be for 15-30 min  with or without warning--with or without police presence or other supervision as allowed by the legal parameters for a 'small job' and ideally a person would have support in packing things up (for an hour before if need be or that could move it to a medium job up to 2 hours.)
Then a large job would be more hours, or  more items requiring more transportation such as a van or Uhaul box truck or pickup etc, a place to store items which could run a hundred a month or more (depending on the spaces available in one area or the next one nearby which could easily be ten miles away or more.)
The storage and rental of trucks and hiring help to move could easily take a week or two, so again having people 'at the ready' and others willing to loan or pay for the move would be very helpful. Perhaps people could have a few people lined up to handle such matters on their behalf, possibly create a new business structure with a fee schedule others could help plan and provide for if the person needing the help is not able to pay the fees initially or even over time with a payment plan.
Perhaps in some cases both parties or others in a community could be asked to share in the cost of moving or handling other pressing matters (covering for homecare or childcare or pet care for instance during the time of move or going to court for instance, or covering transportation and lodging for someone to go to court or other needed appointments in a timely fashion, perhaps staying overnight before an important court date.
Planning for expenses with a team or putting funds away for an emergency and online legal consults such as from and going online (again with help if needed at a law library which some court houses have with basic help but more people could be trained to help one with more support ideally or learn online from youtube what options can help one in a situation.)
Thanks for thinking on these rather 'tricky but common' problems for your country, state and community. Even within a city or town there may be housing rules for various kinds of housing whether public, co-op, private or single or multi-family dwellings one may live in whether as an owner or renter, housemate, family or friend.
Everyone reviewing guidelines for safety and well-being of all residents is a practical need and one that more systems are tuning into a bit but likely need more attention from other supportive groups for more people to understand the 'basics and the possibilities' that may emerge during any transition and over time for the people in the home, working there or with others on projects or doing care for the people in the home, for pets, gardens and so on.
Having more information at one's fingertips and a group that is tending to the basics can be helpful all along and reviewing matters with an eye toward safety and respect is key. There's more to explore but each part of this journey is one more can learn about one day at a time!
Through outreach and my blog and on Facebook Pages, I explore how to plan for safety in living, driving, and in many kinds of relationships. With more insights, game plans can be mapped out as well for issues in the home or on the job, in schools and groups to help communities hum and prevent problems from piling up at any life stage. 
Here's to daring to care and share more stories, ideas and news of the day as collaborators to create the communities we can all enjoy for decades to come! 
--Catherine Palmer Paton