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On your Mark, Get Set for September!

on Mon, 08/25/2014 - 23:57

What does each month and season bring to mind for you and yours, your area and state, your country and greater world? Care about yourself and others, keep things in balance as nature shows us in a myriad of ways which we can mirror. See each other and yourself as 'sisters and brothers' as so many good teachings suggest from around the world (okay, some parts of the world promote this in meaningful ways and some really need to consider the collective gain by doing so).

Here are some thoughts which you may use to inspire yourself and again wider circles of your family and community to keep going and keep growing in positive ways, month to month and at every age and stage of life with teams of support and celebration. Make up a poem or two using your name, your town, the months of the year, or whatever else catches your attention as a way to tune into these challenging yet amaze-ing times! Here's one way to Remember September and Jump Right into Success each Month of the Year!

S smile

E explore'

P pursue

T trust

E express

M move

B believe

E examine

R recall

SEPTEMBER--Simply Energizing with Possibilities, Talents, Excitement, Meaning, Beauty, Exploration, and Remembering!

Looking forward to sharing some other inspirations in Oak-tober! And of course, Voting in November before we wrap ourselves and others with warm thoughts in December and get ready for the New Year! ( A new calendar year is cultural expression as ofJanuary 1st, but for many with religious beliefs, that would be more like in September such as the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah and the day of atonement/ forgiveness of Yom Kippur. The Tibetan religion views April 1st as highly significant as a day many souls reincarnate.

There are many ways to mark the year or be respectful of traditions marking significant times in their faith or countries for many years, or even more recently such as with the days of Hannukah for 8 days (remembering a light that burned for 8 days) or of Kwaanza which happens between Christmas on December 25th (marking the birth of Jesus) and New Year's Day. Find ways to learn more about the traditions of any faith in your area to understand what people are doing and even of others around the world so you can be better informed ( I could do for more study on such integral parts of our culture as well.) Feel free to share a few thoughts here...What are some important days for you to remember?

Sending love and support out for those thinking of their loved ones who have journeyed on when 'dates of their passing or of going back to school or seeing others doing what their child or student would have been doing' as each season comes along not only during the year but also in life, growing through stages of being a teen, a young adult, getting jobs and having a relationship and good friends, and so on...'

There is not enough time to anticipate future loss or sorrow of what someone will not get to do, yet enjoying those who are on the earth plane and trusting that the spirits of those who have moved on may be coaching us all along, and seeing more than we can comprehend from this mortal state may prove helpful. Our dreams may give us added ideas and really when we are asleep ideally before 11pm and until at least 1-3am (which hopefully is not a problem for most, but college students and teens likely are too often losing too much sleep from late studies and even late nights out on the town or campus.

Over time such habits may take a toll on a person's energy and health, so try to aim for a good night's sleep and feel the benefits week to week and all year long, knowing we do 'important work and maybe connecting with our spiritual side and those who have journeyed on if not those yet to come and yes, good spiritual beings as we hope to' by giving it a rest at night--letting worries and fears go and trusting the good earth, stars and beings who are on our team will impart more of what we need to keep going with each new sunrise not only when we open our eyes, but as we take time to awaken slowly even when our eyes are still closed and reflect on what messages we may have received to a question we asked or a spiritual being or loved one who has died before we go to sleep.

These are ideas from Rudolf Steiner and other ideas about honoring the time of powering down and going to sleep and then slowly awakening are on and summarized in some posts on this blog as well..

So good night each night from many caring souls and the earth, our pacha mama with all of nature and the living critters on the earth and in the water pulling together (as part of the unified energy field) and so many good people on plan-it earth and joining us at a high rate (quite possibly on a repeat journey to help US-All evolve with love which could be our overall path too, again something to ponder in one's dreams.) Big hugs from all dimensions and Ciao for now, bellas!

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