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Marching Into A Brighter Future Together, With PLANting seeds and Dreaming Gardens!

on Sun, 03/13/2022 - 12:36

 Google community gardens and one in England that was the size of a huge field in the shape of an egg with tons of veggie rows and flowers in a sensible design 'filling the egg' like an Easter Egg or as I share about The Jewel Story by me, Catherine Palmer Paton, full of potential and magical growth and transformation...a bit of an Easter story (and other holidays as well but secular with animals and a jewel they discover in the ground...)

Let's keep the inner talents and gifts in mind as we keep digging for treasures in our lives,whether in our memories, papers and pictures from over the years, former emails or saved programs, actual clothing or belongings and please let's be respectful and team oriented about caring for our things, moving them or assisting anyone else with that in a non-pressured,non-confrontational way. Timing, talks and making reasonable plans can be much more fair and productive and a help maintain the good and good will for future interactions with others (or oneself even...)

So 'Easy Does It and Teamwork' can make a big difference in any social group, family, system, and outside help for funds, storage, helpers and movers (to save everyone's backs, pack lightly and keep a notebook of what's where and label boxes..easier said than done but photographing or videos can be helpful too or reading the names of books or items into a video.) The garden analogy can be helpful for thinking in 'rows and groups' of things that go together and maintaining access pathways too!

If one can 'Expect the Unexpected' (which is the name of a book Bill Philips wrote about being in touch with spirit., one can extend that to watch some shows on line about hoarding, storage, processing emotions and more. Also tune into one's laws for safety of person, place and things. Keep in mind power dynamics in a family, landlord-tenant relationship and other dynamics. One needs to prioritize one's safety and health, including keeping stress and conflict minimized. If an emergency, try to get to a safe place to call a friend and have them consider calling 911 or doing so oneself to gain support.

Ideally everyone would have advocates 'at the ready' to handle Any Kind of Emergency, for safety or poeple, home or belongings. In custody or other disputes civil laws vs criminal laws and guidelines can come into play. Those can vary and may involve fees, attorneys, court apprearances and more. much of that can be addressed with mediation (even court-ordered or offered for a short time in court under pressure.)

The idea of having things done within days, weeks or maybe a month or more are typical of 'set formats' legally whereas in more voluntary discussions with friends and others (voluntary mediation for instance) issues can often be addressed in a more flexible, compassionate outcome. If people do not understand that option, the legal ones may loom large and seem like a quick or pratical fix. See what thinkers like offers or the insightful Eve Wilson who blogs on with supportive programs if one has the time or can have a friend review ideas. She also wrote Riding the Wave of Change which speaks to the energy of these times and how humanity's very force field may be shifting to ascend to higher feeling and thinking experiences!..

Creating plans for a garden can be almost as much fun as PLANting or implementing the plans. I have a free game called Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (and Circle of Friends) which can help with any project one is dreaming up and hopefully teaming up to do with consideration of all folks involved (for inputs and outputs of ideas, and working on teams, time, skills, talent and treasure and resources) .

. .Please PM me for more details on my public FB page, Catherine Palmer Paton of Ct. They are listed on my blog as well (with many posts on a variety of topics) so google the name of the game.

There are also two stories online to enjoy, The Turtle and The Acorn (that's one story about addressing change and how we ad about a half hour long (listen in parts if you like after each 'chapter' wherein the Jewel is found, broken, restored and transformed after a first time through called The Jewel Story about the inner magic and energy of life and growth over the lifespan...and much more... Hope everyone's having a memorable March to stay strong at heart even as times are difficult.

I have a letter in CT's The Lakeville Journal (and quite a few also posted on my blog which serves as another forum in part for the MA/NY CT area.) I'm hoping we can make many forums to help one another feel rooted and strong in the area even if there are challenges in one's social circles, changes in one's clubs or faith groups ( see Southern Berkshire Toastmasters FB page before it comes down and attend the last March meetings on 3/15 or 3/30/22 of this historic 25 year club with or PM me if you'd like to explore ways to keep that club going possibly with prompt action or join in another one to keep the energy and outreach going in the community about learning from the main site even as an independent member (again, give me a PM sometime and see how that could help anyone improve speaking and listening, organizing and planning skills and much more to promote respect in our communities and relationships and our own thinking and actions.)


I've been a member of (and worth signing up for the one time registration fee to learn more) for many years and appreciate everyone in the club over the years (some who are in spirit) and hope to keep the club or connections growing especially with the zoom meeting options! Many thanks for all everyone does, especially in founding and leadership roles and thinking of creating a bright future together, much like a community garden! I am watching talks by David Rogers who is on youtube and wrote The Digital Transformation Playbook (and consider how the cookies and online experience is part of the business model and tracking one's moves readily....

Also he says one can google the paper called 'What is the Customer Experience of Data Sharing' (a brand trust factor and a value exchange of getting a better service are key 'green lights' and okay with financial institutions usually.) Doing business, living and learning is a team sport! Let's keep the positive energy going to help one another face these changing and challenging times. Everybuddy pulling together makes the journey a greater success whether for work, play, rest or times to pray. Feel free to be in touch with the public FB page message or comment board, Catherine Palmer Paton