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Some Oldies and Goodies to Know About and Take a Moment to Enjoy!

on Mon, 02/21/2022 - 15:15

Hello Fabulous Light,

What a brilliant week - such unique perspectives were brought forth and there are some incredible healings and processes on these calls - catch the replays here:

Here's what's available for you on the replays:

~ YOU Can Build the Golden Age - Live Free in your Sovereignty with Elizabeth Wood

~ The Arcturian Earth Element and 5 Volcanic Powers: Creating a Lasting and Healing Connection to Mother Earth with Gene Ang

~ Divine Heart & Lung Restoration - Overcome Unworthiness + Overwhelming Sadness with Amanda Hopkins

~ Exact 4 ways to Heal from Chronic Illness & Pain + the #1 Reason You're Stuck with Alison Leitheiser

~ Fully Embody Your Higher Self Consciousness with Christel Hughes

They're all here for you:



HEART HEAL UP! with Sophie Bidard and Heidi Sue

Happening TODAY: Saturday, February 19th at 9am Pacific

This special call hosted by Academy Master Teachers Sophie Bidard and Heidi Sue, is happening today ~ Get ready to cleanse, clear, and celebrate your Hearts!

You'll be releasing feelings of being unlovable, unworthy, lost, alone, or feeling like something’s missing, abandonment, insecurity… and more!

As you Heal Up your heart, you'll be held in Pure Love... just imagine living the joyous life you're meant to, in full Heart resonance as a conduit of high vibrational Love!

Heart Heal Up!