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How Does Creating More Friendly Networks to Learn and Think of Options Sound?

on Fri, 02/18/2022 - 01:52

I placed an ad in The Shoppers Guide of MA ( which serves the tri-state corner area of MA/NY CT, so towns like Falls Village, North Canaan and Cornwall, Salisbury, Sharon and Kent (well that may be a stretch but those towns are in the same 'Region One' School District so hopefully more people could use the online resource to advertise selling cars, items and tuning into the area. Then there are places like Millerton, Amenia, Hillsdale NY, Ashley Falls, Sheffield and Great Barrington MA. Isn't nice to get to know one's neighbors, especially just over the border?

We can learn from one another and find ways to refer to resources and models to address shared needs, concerns, roads and projects. So this latest ad read as follows and is a bit broad but also a kind of Community Invite and Valentine to lean in and learn from one another, especially during this season of winter sports, Olympics and all kinds of tricks to make it safely to spring (such as planning a garden, cleaning out the tool shed and of course driving when the roads are safe and clear, not icy and with caution--including wearing seatbelts, not having young adults or other teens drive youth since too often that can get carried away and the consequences of a serious injury or fatality can mean jail time for the driver or anyone responsible for harm. Sadly I know a number of people who have passed as passengers over the years and even recently, so let's learn to plan and take our A-Game out on the road and when interacting with others and even with our own self-talk.

The Ad reads (drum roll...) "LET'S TALK! Growing a team of help or a garden produces friendships, food and gain!

Don't miss out on permaculture opportunites~ Volunteers, jobs, donations and barthers can help care for people and the earth.

Let's explore jobs and support in safety, living and transportation, home services for ADLs, gardening, caregiving, parenting and other fields too~

See for more resources.

Send a PM to coordinator Catherine Palmer Paton FB Page for more info and to arrange a time to talk or way to email ideas. 


Why not consider ways to ask a few folks for their input on an idea, run something by people and see if they have an interest or feedback or way to help? Let ideas gain traction and see the Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (and Circle of Friends) on this blog to implement principles and promote more connections. Feel free to use some of what I wrote in my ad (and  even share this post etc) to get the Connections Growing!