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Lots of discussion from Lynne McTaggart's post about COVID and Vax or Anti-Vax

on Sun, 01/09/2022 - 22:30 shows my comment (which I'll post at the end as well) and many others chime in questioning her stance of saying 'it's not what the media has reported in terms of success'.  Most people have heard pros and cons online and around their area...This is one of many that some would want silenced and others would like promoted...

I'm offering a glimpse into it for now and will circle back in a bit. I have gotten both shots and a boost and yet have seen plenty that says people around the world have serious questions...and unfortunately the spread of the virus has hastened many who had compromised systems to  an unexpected passing.

Keeping informed is something many want to do yet usually stick to certain news sources and may not hear any other concerns. I heard them when I was in Hawaii in February of 2020 and in AZ. It's amazing we've all been through such a difficult set of concerns and managed to come through a worldwide situation, each finding our way to communities locally and online to make sense of things.

Let's see how we can lean into that greater sense of team and consider ways to stay healthy and aware of these times, the pressures many are under and the amazing efforts and sacrifices made by those in the healthcare and other essential services fields. 

My post: I am reading quite a bit of this and appreciate that people are trying to make sense of things or intuit or pray their way through...Key ideas about Who Can We Trust (and is that the WHO and CDC or other recognized leaders and why or why not...based on what ideas, data and track records...) Some have noted Jesus or other spiritual leaders and people today would likely factor in facts before making decisions. I explore a lot of "What IF" questions on my blog and hope to hone in on what concerns and info is shared here. Many with expert scientific training are sharing that people with the appropriate credentials and thorough understanding of balanced information (pros and cons, cases of those who've gotten vaccinated and not and across a wide spectrum) be factored into any 'opinions' or recommendations.
That makes sense and yet it's important to hear from many around the world on the aspects of the root causes of the illness, the remedies, side effects, risks and much more. Mainly I'm summarizing to keep the conversation going in a way more people will join in and be open to exploring many points with a sense of care and wisdom. Maybe Lynne would like to review her post or work with others since she is highly influential.