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Enjoying Online Programs such as Jenn McLean and Then There's Tuning Into Our Community in the MA/NY CT Corner

on Sun, 01/09/2022 - 19:43
Wishing all are warm and toasty this morning even though it’s going to be icy-dicey out with the wind And light rain. Great time to listen to some live programs or replays...Not to worry it but also look at to see options about the past 20 years to see 'what's what' possibly...
I am eager to get some ventures started to help more people with caregiving needs whether with older or younger people or others with special needs.
I will have an ad in the shoppers guide online and in that paper for an all call for people to network or just be in touch with me. With a team we can inspire them to find support in their own circles too.
It shouldn’t be such an uphill battle with an urgent need when someone really needs the help. It can Be a challenge to have people skilled enough and funds to pay for training even if there are some state programs or other funds for the actual wages if somebody qualifies for that through the state etc. thanks for sending me a PM if that works to let me know who in your circles you have helped for free, for some kind of living or other exchange, Short term or long term assistance weather with time, talent or treasure.
Maybe you’ve helped figure out plans for someone to get babysitters, housekeepers, rides or shopping done I get to appointments.
Maybe you’ve helped someone apply for snap, fuel assistance, other jobs or programs to get skills such as a home health aide or CNA or companion through a nonprofit or job program our local training at a nursing home.
Some high schools and colleges could offer a nurse’s aid program and ideally everyone would be able to take one online even if it’s not the official want to get certified.
It’s important everyone know the limits and boundaries for social interactions, physical touching or caregiving for personal needs with proper hygiene such as handwashing, wearing Gloves, masks, and have a good footwear, posture and support for transferring someone from a bed to a wheelchair for helping them dress or walk with Assistance whether with one person or two people caring for a client.
Activities Of daily living or ADL’s could be taught with the ABCs for kindergartners on up to understand people need to be able to get up, dressed, eat meals, have support for staying clean and using the toilet, getting some exercise and social time, two simple household tasks and get two appointments and be safe in there activities throughout the day and travels.
Many people need social support to maintain basic routines for the morning, daytime evening and night.
For school kids and others and family may look at the Waldorf or Rudolph Steiner ideas Along with many from various cultures and even modern times of enjoying life.
These can help craft ways of safely planning and carrying through with routines as the rhythm of the day with the sun coming up, more activity during the day and quiet time at night as well as throughout the seasons of the year with time outdoors daily to know the changes in nature.
We can be nurtured by the elements Of earth, water, plants, air, and respect fire and the warming aspects of creating nice meals, small group sharing and singing as well as storytelling, and learning together with hands-on and creative artistic time as well as practical needs of cooking and Maintaining a home.
Of course finding affordable housing, ways to pay rent with assistance programs or other ideas such as rent to buy, two Airbnb‘s, or take care of someone in a room etc. are all worthwhile to share as people realize the benefit of collaboration and helping those in the community stay put or invite other helpful people in.
There is a lot online and I can put some of that on my blog that is available to people who work through a state program to provide paid care for people in their homes whether family or other people. There is a free trial of brain link on my blog as well posted recently.
I’m happy to speak with others who would like to see that used by each town to help for families, and other workers in general as well as citizen me benefit from learning the importance of having optimal brain functioning between the right and left spheres of the brain by using simple auditory programs a.m. and p.m. for about 10 minutes daily.
I hope we can bridge the gaps For everyone to understand that there are more needs then people able or willing to fill them at this time so many family and workers are stretched thin and give extra time. We could have a way to recognize everyone’s efforts even in a general way and it’s inspiring themes, giveaways and such.
Again thanks for sending me any ideas for how to recognize and celebrate people who are doing those kinds of jobs in the homes, in nursing homes or hospitals or other care facilities, and we could expand to appreciate the town clerks, social workers,librarians and life coaches, ministers, teachers, volunteers and all boards and paid positions of selectpeople, mayors, representatives, senators and governors and All the worker bees who keep the hive happening.
In terms of' regular people 'all women should be given an extra dose of thanks for collectively managing the best they can the role of mothering, and the men likewise the role of fathering whether they have children of their own or not And respect for everyone’s decision to be a biological or other form of parent, Partner to someone, single person, family member or friend to others, or other role to explore their talents and fulfill their dreams or join with other on teams to help our world in these times.
The communities of faith, caring and sharing, planning and producing, are all important to keep in mind as we start this important new year of 2022. I know many think along these lines but it doesn’t hurt to take a little time in spell it out and encourage others to join in who may be ready for a nudge to share their wisdom or remember what they have done so far and hope to do in the future.
I got to have a zoom meeting with 20 of my Vassar classmates yesterday and I will share some of their projects on my blog and I’m happy to do the same for anyone like to message me or even just post to your on my comment section.
I do have a public Facebook page with my name in Catherine Palmer Paton as well as for Livfully. And welcome to help with all these endeavors. I also have an artist friend who would like to start a business but has disabilities so she also would appreciate help in that. I heard there’s something called 21st-century out of California that is about helping people along those lines so hope to learn more about that too.
Thanks again and I’ll post this with a lot of good intention and appreciation for all who have been carrying us through to this point in time along with all who are here and joining in whether as new people on the planet hatching out, people coming in to our lives and country to help us at this time of need, or even from around the world online and connections that can inspire us give everything our best effort one day at a time knowing we’re all in this together.
Let’s make the most of our journey Gentleness, great love, and good times for all as much as possible even when times get tough. Condolences for those who have lost loved ones recently in the past year and even before that and those who are struggling with the transition or challenge at this time. That’s fine the healing feeling along the way of managing emotions, interactions, and game
plans with her sense of a winning team spirit. Who’s game? I trust everyone is so just let me know if that’s not your cup of tea.