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How to Succeed in Toastmasters (Or Anything) Without Really Trying! I know that sounds too good to be true, However, at least you've Heard of the idea!

on Tue, 12/21/2021 - 18:57

Just got done wtih a friendly informative Toastmasters meeting that meets twice a month mid-day. Some of these folks founded the club 25 years ago and one of them gave the only talk. He covered the experiences of people who didn't feel they got a great ROI, return on their investment in Toastmasters (or Toasties as our club gingerly refers to our esteemed international set of clubs with our hub in the US, specifically the Northeast.) So wise Will informed us that many people may not get what they hoped for over their months or even years in the club because they may not be clear what they are seeking to learn or achieve.

Keeping things simple in terms of focusing on 'one or two' aspects of giving a talk effectively to convey information, entertain or otherwise engage people in a survey or even learn more about the many aspects of the club, including how meetings are run with officers and those filling functionary roles helping people plan for success.

A visiting guest encouraged people to know the roles and take time to check in with the Toastmaster (the speakers and evaluators who can connect a week or more in advance to clarify which project is being worked on in the Pathways program online.)

The Toastmaster is the host of the meeting, and the meetings follow a basic format. I'm sharing this for anyone whose 'every been even a little bit curious' about the opportunity. I will also offer the idea to visit a few clubs online as a guest. Even if signing up to join a club it's fine to watch how things work before feeling one needs to jump in.

Having a support person or more formal mentor can help one onboard into the helpful program. Over the years we had added a handful of social events during the year, such as open houses to invite friends and potential members in to hear a meeting and enjoy refreshments in the college setting in a public area. Many times we would socialize at a local cafe and food shop nearby.

Once we toasted a member who was 95 and enjoyed cake and goodies he covered the cost of to make things easy as pie. I could go on with a lot of ideas about how to ease into a new club, group, area and so on, and hopefully everyone can share some tips of what worked for them 'pre-COVID'. Now everyone's gathering on zoom which offers videos to explain ins and outs. Thanks to all figuring out ways to turn real life and social skills into a game, a bit how the Pay Day game is helping many gain financial literacy skills. 

During the spontaneous speaking section, Table Topics, which affords each person 2 and a half minutes to speak on a given topic or pivot to something else they want to share in the form of a mini-speech ideally with a 'beginning, middle and end', I shared that Jen McLean offers a free online gathering the 21st of each month in 2021...and will do so on the 22nd of 2022 (with recordings of prior years since 2001 on her site too.)

This kind of service could be emulated by many on a certain day whether in a family, club or wider circle with recordings providing a great resource to appreciate history and people who have created meaningful moments.

Thanks for thinking along the lines of including more with the spirit of friendship, learning and growth. See what the offers in terms of a free link to promote literacy as well, As easy as taking a walk should be giving a talk or making a friend to explore one's next steps for connecting, health and support. Every person is a miracle and a great communicator whether speaking or not. As my Mom would say, 'Actions Speak Louder than Words' and while I have not been giving official talks for years in my club,

I have done other roles and tried to keep up with what people are doing in their social and professional lives which helps grow community. My hope would be every country, state, town and social group and family could benefit from the example and practical network and offers for speaking and sharing the time with support that Toastmasters International offers. Thanks for tuning in as you can!

These ideas can help in any area that one wants to explore. Encouraging people to watch with support, explore things and take small steps, a bit like training a half-marathon before going for the gusto (which a guest was doing even over age 60.) Let's journey with a sense of being on each other's Dream Team and Winning Team! As a bonus realize the media does not report things accurately (and don't get the right info anyway) even about the use of drones in the last wars, so Think and Advocate for Yourselves and Others! Hear too for that talk today and let's pray for peace near and far!