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Celebrating LOVE (not politics and gambling which the brother of the groom got folks laughing about in his toast)...

on Sun, 09/26/2021 - 12:36
Sharing a post from a decade ago... Each set of younger humans becoming more versed in the ways life works adds to our collective knowledge. It can be a tough road and 'life isn't always predictable, fair or otherwise what we want...'
Yet (isn't that the case, there can always be a Yet...) we may have 'signed up to learn about being human with our family of origin and others in our circles over the course of our lifetime...including other family and friends, neighbors and groups including school friends and teachers and more.
That's a big way to start the day....and I had a Big Night celebrating a lovely adventurous couple's, dancing, eating and visiting under a tent with a clear ceiling so the sky was part of the venue also...The sky's the limit!
It was a beautiful (or BeYouTwoFull) 'flock of birds in their garden,comprised of friends and family flocking from far and wide, some by plane and plenty from afar in car. I thought last minute to get a taxi from my hotel to the place where a school bus took a batch of us to the venue.
Then nice peeps gave me a ride back to the hotel so that cut out more driving on I-84 which was a bonus for me since I was running on 'borrowed time.' Thanks to the travel angels that kept me safe as an older fellow who passed a car in front of me on a double line on a curve going into Gaylordsville... a MA plate of a Volvo with numbers 4 numbers (9, 2, 0 in some order then NM)
Yes I did report it (likely to no avail) but we could get some system in place to follow up with a 'wellness check'...which maybe could be done even today. I don't even know if he realizes the passing zone had clearly ended before the blind curve.
Others have let me know people have done that on Rt 7 from FV to Canaan as please 'drive 45 to stay alive and Don't Pass on Rt 7...It's just not 'worth it' and could be a lifesaving tactic since the wildlife from deer and bear are in full bloom. I'm hearing it's "National/ International Daughter Day" Weekend so let's celebrate all the females in our lives...and whenever it is, let's do the same for Sons and for Others (not determined...and gender may not be required on birth certificates from now on...which is worth pondering more about on my blog
Feel free to share your views with a PM or comment... Okay so back to Today and the many cool things 'hoppinin' such as the CROP WALK in Falls Village CT that kicks off by 1pm (and sign ups due by 12:30 pm) It's exciting to hear the Salisbury Band and see folks gather safely, maybe with masks as required or desired.
Make a donation as you can in celebration of others (such as those who've made more commitments in marriage, having a child, choosing a path of being single for now or longer, moving or coming into the community and in memory of those who have journeyed on.) A meaningful time to 'Walk Together in Harmony and Inspiration, Gratitude and Care for self and others...."
CROP Walk provides funds for food (25% locally and the rest to other needs abroad.) Okay also a nice fundraiser up at Lake Mansfield for WOT (Walking Our Talk, a group for women to join forces as they share their voices and projects in weekly circles for a couple of months... see their public FB page and Thanks to all who share and contribute part of this post.
Donations can be made down the road as well... for CROP Walk, contact the Falls Village Congregational Church in CT since they always have walkers! Okay and hope someone can go 'drum or make music' along the driveway near the road as they take their first lap (and a nice way for people to join in without having to do the whole walk...and Please Take Care to Cross when the Red Light is on Rt 7 or wherever you are... 'walk defensively')
Thanks to all organizing wonderful events and participating... Much love to all, Catherine and crew! See more on and to adjust to the fall and other school and life schedules, see my blog post on for simple free trial links for a month! Let's Talk About Ways to help more students and teachers, parents and others keep up with all that's being offered and asked of one another.
PS Let's Remember Gabby Petito Today as her funeral is held. Love and courage to her family, friends and all who have been touched by her story. She seems an angel whose earthly journey was formed in ways with her beauty, cheer and humanity to touch our hearts and wake our world up even more to the difficulty of an array of feelings as well as aiming for love and the undertow of mental and social turbulence, difficulties and Domestic Abuse and Violence that can be lethal. As for Brian Laurie, a broken soul and a troubled one who seems to have been caught in the addiction to 'power and control over others' as well as envy and immaturity, may he find a way to get help for his pattern of abuse and help us find ways to understand what factored into his demise and any harm he did to Gabby when she was alive as well as any final acts that claimed her precious life. Peace and love to all including Gabby in spirit and all who have been sacrificed to our societal ignorance, indifference, confusion and collective ways that harm anyone especially those caught in a toxic spiral of harm and decline...