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Chicken broth and Veggie Soup's On..thanks to our friend Anna! Fun for the whole gang to learn to make, clean up and enjoy!

on Wed, 08/25/2021 - 18:09

Shop a day or more in advance for the ingredients but the fresher the better! Here are the ingredients-- Please read through a couple of times and take time to get table and cutting board and knife ready (to cut leeks and cauliflower, possibly the potatoes and carrots and the squash without peeling it if desired but those hard veggies can be cooked whole and then cut.)

Best to have two or more large pots and a cup to scoop soup along the way when blending and mixing all the components.

2 large bunches of leeks (about 6 with long stems),

1 butternut  and/or another kind of squash.

4-6 medium potatoes.

6 carrots, 2 stalks of celery.

1 head of cauliflower.

1 bay leaf

4-6 stems of fresh sage or about 1/8th cup of dry sage

1 box of chicken broth or vegetable broth (organic best but can be pricey so check various brands.) 

Here's a friend's organic chicken broth and veggie soup recipe. Here's a clue about just boiling the butternut squash (or acorn, zucchini, pumpkin etc or a couple kinds in a soup)--just boil them whole or in large pieces and peel afterward if desired.

First Wash all the vegetables and plan for an hour or more to cook them until soft. Blending in batches once the soup is cooled is helpful and then can be mixed in a large pot. Scooping into mason jars or putting in other bowls can make it easier to store or share. This can make about 8 jars of soup.

We found it helpful to have someone shop and prepare it and drop it off at the home when there was not time to make it easily and for anyone who is needing a simple way to enjoy vegetables with a daily cup of soup. It can take a few hours total to make (and shopping a day or two in advance for the fresh veggies kept the process that much easier for dividing tasks.) This can be handy to serve to children, elders or anyone who has trouble chewing or eating much at once.

Place large chunks or Even easier, the whole squash or two along with potatoes and carrots with a box of organic broth (chicken or veggie) and water, covered large pan or two pans...then scooping out the squash (less seeds) and adding the chopped cauliflower (a head), celery and leeks with long green stems--that's the secret to great flavor.  Make sure the leeks are well washed-- split lengthwise and wash each layer to get all the dirt out easily that can be hidden among the layers...and then cut in 1 inch pieces).

 Season the soup with about a 2 teaspoons of sea salt (or Himalayan pink salt--large or a bit more of the smaller grain) but go easy and see what works. Also while cooking the veggies add a lot of sage (about 5 stems with the leaves so about a 1/8th or 1/4 cup of fresh sage leaves.)

Remove the sage if still on the stems after boiling or pick the leaves off and add them to the soup to blend without the stems which can be woody. A tip about sage--drinking it in the soup or as a tea can boost immunity!

Plus at the start add one bay leaf that should be taken out when done cooking before blending. Afterward season with more salt if needed and sprinkle fennel seeds on each serving or in the soup for another nice flavor to savor!

For some cooking practice and teamwork, let kids shop, wash and help do the chopping with a butterknife of the soft boiled veggies.That ought to do it and  can be frozen too for using later if not used in about four days..