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See if Wanting to Explore or Do Homeschooling (even a half year or more...)

on Wed, 08/25/2021 - 17:23

Not many people sending their kids to school will be informed about Dr. Moore and his late wife Dorothy (recall that be thinking of the Wizard of Oz and the hero's journey any of us take when having to launch in a new direction, not like Jeff Bezos off the planet, but just trying something new, facing a challenge or decision...ya know Real Life 101. If you have a younger person in your life whether part of your family or social circle, also known as "a child" and are thinking about having them learn to read, consider 'not pressuring them'...but 'good luck with that if they are headed to Pre-K, Kindergarten or 1st Grade (unless in a Waldorf School or other program that does not insist on certain benchmarks met on a time line.) Thanks for thinking about options wherever you are... Best to all and have a ball!