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Join Lissa Coffey and her efforts in The Kindness Movement! This sounds amazing!

on Wed, 06/16/2021 - 14:18

From an email from Lissa Coffey, I am sharing the following.

"What can you do to make the world a more kind place? First of all, take the Kindness Vow and join the Kindness Movement! You’ll receive 7 days of reminders and examples of ways you can implement kindness into your day and your life. And then share the experience with others! Let’s make the Kindness Movement go viral. We could all use a little more kindness, right? It starts right here, right now."

See her site and enjoy a daily inspiration delivered by email. I  got to hear her speak of her books and learned of her from which is also amazing and free to guests the first time. Join now before those rates go up! Best to everyone and as a bonus to yourself see my free trial link to BrainTime a few posts back. A whole household can benefit so that's a deal and your brain will Thank You!