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Pressing Problems for Our Times, Let's Pitch in to Efforts...Letter they shared

on Tue, 05/25/2021 - 19:37

(Passing this letter along as though a message in a bottle... Hope you can share and pitch in! Our planet, people, animals and all on it needs us more now than any other hour...) This is from a email to all...

In just a moment, I'm going to ask you to make your next $3 contribution to But first, I hope you'll give me a chance to explain why your support — especially this Earth Day — is so important.

Here's the truth:

We celebrate Earth Day here at a bit differently than most other environmental non-profits. We choose to focus our organization's efforts on the power of the people — because we're going to need an unprecedented movement of ordinary people in order to turn around the climate crisis.

That is why this Earth Day, we are harnessing the power of our global climate movement to demand President Biden and world leaders deliver on climate justice during their Leaders Summit on Climate. Hundreds of thousands of climate activists around the globe have already signed on to our climate demands. But it's going to take powerful mobilizations in the streets over the next few months if we want to make our voices heard.

We have some pretty epic climate actions already planned, but these actions will take resources.

So we are counting on a LOT of individual contributions before midnight. That is why I'm asking you directly:

Can you make your next $3 contribution and become one of's Earth Day Donors? We are setting an ambitious goal of 3,500 individual contributions to help pull off epic actions to hold Biden accountable to his climate promises.

Catherine, it is no coincidence that Biden is holding his Leaders Summit on Climate on the same day as Earth Day. President Biden is planning to make some big announcements, some of which will, no doubt, be very good for our movement.

But the reality is that we know this Summit won't be drastically different from other climate announcements: Biden and world leaders will not go far enough. So we put together a list of demands they must accomplish if we are going to stop the climate crisis at the pace it requires:


  • Increase domestic climate targets to meet the science of a 1.5ºC warming limit. For most countries, that means at least doubling current targets.
  • Stop handing billions in public money to the fossil fuel industry and turning a blind eye to the flow of financial firms' investments in the industry, driving its expansion worldwide. Our governments need to cut off the flow of funding to fossil fuels from all institutions.
  • Use public money for public good. Invest in job creation, renewable energy, and sustainable infrastructure. Support the frontline communities that are hardest hit by the ravages of climate change. As our leaders work on the global stage to shift funding from climate destruction to a hopeful, equitable future, they must also ensure countries are taking the crisis seriously with policies that support this transition.
  • Frontline communities, workers, and families need to be at the center of how we tackle the climate crisis.


We have some really incredible campaigns coming up that will target the Biden Administration and stop the flow of fossil fuel finances in the United States. But we need your support to help make them happen. We can't do it alone.

Please make your next $3 contribution today and become a Earth Day Donor. Together, we will send a message to Biden and world leaders too powerful for them to ignore.

Thank you again for helping us build a powerful movement so we can come together to fight for our Earth and our future. We really can't do it without you.

In solidarity,

Monica Hollander
Finance Director