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Three Cheers for Training Starts Monday,April 26th, so sign up today for best price!

on Sun, 04/25/2021 - 14:50

Not only is there an awesome offering by the intelligent, compassionate crew at helping the world heal from the heart and earth up.... there are some FREE Intros this weekend and the best rate still good through Sunday, April 25th, 2021... Hope some can dive deep and share tips along the way. I would love to do this program even in a small group but I need to get my networking team on this front tuned up... It will be on my wish list and Will Do list (to get better understanding on this field and try it out with the insights as I can...)

Okay I also am looking into the info from with Kat James about leptin sensitivity. Maybe I will mention that to the folks at JaiDev and see what they say...and also those at Dr. Rita Loscalzo. While studies are great, results are even better and good tips that are safe and healty spread like sunshine. (I am not an affiliate of any of these programs mentioned but have taken some classes with each or heard them speak and share info.)

Tuning into one's 'programming' from early years and along life's road comprised of days, miles and meals with influences of stress and emotional ups and downs in relationships, work and life in general are key... one needs to become the General of One's Life... and focus, food choices, ways we use our voices (tone, intention, singing chanting, and breathing with support and even exercises as in Breathing Exercises so no excuse not to try those even if one is a self-identified Couch Potato..

.By the way doing some Chair Zumba (and again some of the FREE programs that are offered at times from the folks in their Life-Force Academy are a great way to warm up to their offerings. I took the plunge and had access for a year but got uber distracted (a shiny object syndrome for taking programs to help me launch a book, a business, a life with greater ties and meaning and more...)

Lots of that happened and I loved having the JaiDev folks 'in the background and energetically on my team." I had taken a few kundalini yoga classes with a lovely teacher in my area pre-Covid...and so felt it was worth the couple hundred to have a year's worth of support. I may try it again down the road a bit...and I realized I should have blocked out Specific Time and gotten an accountability partner or two to learn the basics and move through one module (even the one for eating and digestion would have been a boost...)

I did lower my A1C with some carb cutting for a couple of months and am due to try that again and maybe do the online version of the Kat James program...or in my bigger dreams drive or get out to Montana and do the in-person one to meet that Wonder Woman whose helped thousands that many had given up on for various weight and health concerns! She deserves a great deal of recognition and is a devoted diva if even there were one...and one who walked the walk from misery and hopelessness to miraculous turn around at first 'by chance' tuning into what helped her feel better with her food intake (not foot intake but again she was Walking the Walk so worth noting her steps which she spells out in her book and dozens of articles and shares on her radio show on Sirius XM radio...) Who knew one person could do so much?!

That said, I know there are many top dogs in their field and basically do work with others but sometimes after years of a personal journey and some who have meditated daily or thereabouts for decades...I do wonder if my life would really have goine differently if I had tried and done TM (Transcendental Meditation) when I first learned of it in CT in about 2004, before my life began to go haywire in 2005...and basically if I had tried about 5 years ago when I learned of it again in Florida 'by chance...' and now with Deb Poneman and programs with David Adelson, who knew each other at the Maharishi University if 'this third time's the charm' and time I will pursue that...Stay tuned in...and check it out for oneself. Many forms of meditation are helping whether walking in nature (which many say is great to be more creative and help with problem solving so consider having a walking meeting or therapy session...something I thought of 30 years ago rather than having to sit indoors and hammer away at what one was thinking, feeling and figuring out life patterns and hopefully some new respoinses (not being set to react and not know the emotional or mental underpinnings.)

I learned a lot from and their book Love Is To Be Happy With...mainly about accepting that one has a lot of baggage or patterns that are worth exploring in terms of the beliefs and feelings involved in a relationship, situation, conflict or series of events. Sometimes we are not allowing ourselves to consider What If I felt differently about this?

What might the other person be feeling...and what if they had a different support system or way of looking at things. Seeing life as more fluid and open to interpretation can allow for people to move into a more caring creative way of being... toward themselves and others. That is my own take of what many have shared so no particular path saying exactly that. Meanwhile, life flows on...and I will wrap this up for now. The story I wrote Catherine Palmer Paton of CT) called The Turtle and The Acorn uses some of that view.

The Jewel Story which is only an audio is one I told my kids over 25 years ago and is about creative imaginings and touching on that aspect of our human growth over the years...from practical and discoveries to imagining more connection and peace in families and with nature... a nice way to consider things as Earth Day from 4/22/1970 was again celebrated by 190 countries and a billion people around the world.. one sparkling jewel of humanity, nature and earth in her special realm of the universe and with the divine or unseen loving suppotive energies also influencing if not guiding us along the way... Let's think of the earth and the guidance as an interplay of a golden acorn of light, energy and information..healing, helping and showing us all the way to evolve with love...Great Love!.