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"Chauvinistic" will have deeper meaning now with the conviction of Derek Chauvin....

on Thu, 04/22/2021 - 12:04

The world is reeling and responding to the turning point in our shared journey in the trial and conviction of Derek Chauvin. As I have shared in the past few posts and even with the earlier finding that the autopsy report was declaring that George Floyd died from a lack of oxygen even though he was able to speak.

His last breaths and pleas of "I can't breathe" were using up the residual oxygen in his lungs that remains and is used on the exhale when breathing out and speaking out. The stress he was put under physically combined with his likely claustrophobia which he stated he had in a believable way and time when being put in the back of a higher police midsize vehicle.. and anquish George Floyd suffered mentally contributed to the downward spiral of safety and health. Internally his cortisol levels were likely rising and spiking, bringing on a host of other bodily reactions.

The handcuffs were not functioning properly and were cutting into his wrists, while his hands were constricting air flow since he was placed facedown on the pavement rather than the side position to allow for air flow. He used his face to try to lift off the pavement to create a way to buy space for his lungs to expand.

Derek Chauvin with his 19 years on the job seemed callous and impervious to the pain and suffering as well as major health risk George Floyd was facing due to the actions he was taking and insisting on maintaining. At one point, a policeman tells George that he 'Can't Win' in terms of not havint to get in the police car. George tells him, I am not trying to win but can't do what you are asking.

That is a situation many abuse victims  (whether women, mothers, girlfriends, family members, 'friends or net and even children, students or adults in many professions or clubs as well as crimes) find themselves in when 'ordered to do something' or 'told to do something by someone with power and control over them or with authority in the situation.

For George and Derek and the other officers involved, there was no winning with the tactics used. There could have been many points of relief and de-escalation of matters. George could have been placed on his side. Maybe he even could have been given more consideration with medics called in earlier due to mental health or drug use concerns (when finding drugs in the car.)

Someone told me that in the ER many delirious or difficult patients are given a shot to subdue them. Perhaps that would have been deemed approprirate.

As for those trying to stop Derek Chauvin from staying with his one track mind on putting George face down and with his kneed on his neck, some rose to the occasion to think of something to say to point out their concern and to try to get Chauvin to think twice, reconsider or stop what he was doing due to George Floyd being subdued sufficiently, not fighting, asking to breathe, calling out for his mother, possibly being unstable so medically needing the attention for his breathing by putting him on his side, saying 'you're killing him man' and 'what's your badge number' to indicate there would be accountability for his specific actions...and much more thankfully some calling the police.

Did they tell him they were doing so?  Ideally the other police would have had training to override Derek's be overridden in his authority with a quick agreement about Plan B actions to prevent more harm, violence or death. Does that exist in the text books somewhere?

That is a question for every person who  does not want to be 'Chauvinistic.' We need to add an "e" and make that chauvinistnice...and factor in real justice and compassion as well as courage to act and intervent, speak up and work as a team at every level. With domestic abuse and sexual assault agencies, thousands of rape kits are not processed and even cases that see the light of day in some forum whether with a counselor, minister, social circle, family court matter, restraining order or protective order matter or other system of reporting (and there are  confidential services and funds which may be available in every state for victims even if not reporting in a court etc.)

If minors are involved the confidentiality may not be in place and mandated reports would be likely or required so all would be informed about that as well if looking at getting a youth help for an assault (especially by a family member.) The latest research still indicates abusers win custody of children in a majority of cases no matter the form of abuse to the adult or child victim, so a concerned community and country is needed to right those wrongs. CA Protective Parents Association and BMCC, Battered Mothers Custody Conference are central to everyone waking up as are talks and articles on

Our United States and the wider world need to seek protections for our vulnerable groups and individuals in these modern, mobile, interactive times. Keeping a close eye with routines and responsibilities clarified for each age and stage of life can help more people join in a caring, conscious community. Finding ways to help one another and not hurt each other from this point on, while learning from the past in terms of what people and cultures faced in terms of struggles or set-backs and what helped bridge gaps in services for basic housing, food, transportation, education, work, and social support are all worthy goals.

Let's remember to have full consent when asking someone to join in any physical games or programs (especially something like water sports or nature outings with long hikes, caving even in short journeys since claustrophobia is a concern and not everyone can face tight spaces with calm and more danger could be created with panic or spontaneous actions and even dangerous rescues by friends or even skilled people.

That is all part of what claimed the life our teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton on June 16th, 2009, in CT on his last day of school which he was celebrating with 8 others (so the news accounts say but a thorough report should have been done since there was a fatality and a group of unsupervised minors involved..

.That could still be done voluntarily and a bill put in to seek to make that a law as well as inform adults and minors about the potential risks and the laws that are in place that indicate adults are legally responsible for minors, but minors may be at risk for arrest if endangering others or promoting high risk activities with peer pressure or under the influence (which was not the case in our son's situation but there is a lot to consider which I explore on Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton...and other posts on his blog

Thanks to all seeking to take the learning and life lessons to heart from anyone who they learn from directly or take time to think about whether from modern times or those in the past. Imagining a positive future where all are looked at as winning human spiritual people with physical forms and choices to make, ideally not under pressure and without guidance and oversight...will be one way to make that a reality for more people as part of a forest of friends.

I explore other ideas on about Acorns to Oaks Team Outreach and Friends United Network. That's A-2020 & FUN for short...and is about helping people at each age and stage of life feel valued and included, safe and cared for, connected and supported with plans for their life on all fronts (legally, financially, practically and with a vision as team players in life.)

Let's join together to heal and deal with our many positive possiblities and sharing and caring realities...Flooding our lives with the learning and legacy of George Floyd and the many he represents as winning our hearts over, one and all, to be ready to forgive and seek healing, inner peace and calm and support when facing any troubles and braving asking questions.

Who knows if there could have been any words spoken to get through to Derek Chauvin that he had to change his course of action even a little bit such as rolling George on his side. If someone had persisted with declaring that it would be the safest way to prevent the Risk of George Floyd losing consciousness and not breathing maybe that would have painted a picture he would have complied with 'just as one extra safety measure'. It did seem with the crowd witnessing the matter and calling out for mercy the opposite of the story of Jesus being given a death sentence and no reprieve even when Pilate said he found no crime had been committed by Jesus

. Still the crowd called out, "Crucify him!" Jesus was being accused as saying he was one with God the Father which was against the Jewish faith and considered blasphemy. What he could do was given to him by Creator to do he said. The world's been arguing ever since and millions of lives have been sacrificed in the name of religion, the Jews put through the concentration camps and much suffering. Since 1948 there's been suffering in Palestine and the newly formed Israel.

There have been genocides in Rwanda and in other parts of the world which seemed distant not only to America but most of the modern world. Those political challenges cannot be swept under the rug and out of the headlines, although that his common. I met the woman who wrote the book Left To Tell about her experience surviving with a handful of others in a bathroom for five days during the Rwandan genocide.

We can learn a great deal from those who have faith and courage to stay alive with calm and collective support, whether scrunched together or finding moments of strength and wisdom to chart their day, next steps and life with more teamwork and care. Feeling one has 'run out of options' or will 'lose face or be deemed weak if changing course or reversing a deciion that has been 'made' are all red flag mindsets we could look at more carefully to help people learn about flexible ways to ease up on absolutes, declaraions and following through no matter what with any extreme action.

The whole area of relationships and parenting or caring for others is becoming more regulated in many states, programs and countries the world over. At the same time there is greater risk for being left behind, lett without support and safety nets and having children and even adults put in dire situations, criminal or trafficked or otherwise mistreated or moved.

We need to find ways to help all people from infants on up to understand their rights and have advocates to keep them safe and cared for and to be suppotive during transitions or times of challenge whether due to climate or pandemic or other concerns. Thanks for being a team minded community member and helpine one or two others as one can. Best to all to feel safe and sound daily and with help from online such as or in an emergency even where police have already responded, calling 911 if they seem to be off their game and need oversight...