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Days of Reverence and Reflection...and Seeking Truth and Justice for US-All to Evolve with Love

on Tue, 04/13/2021 - 14:53
Maybe everyone is seeing the coverage of the George Floyd situation...and that there is more evidence the knee pressure and face down position is what caused his death ...not as much his heart condition or any drugs. Very helpful for the world to hear that was not 'approved police training'. 
The status and protocol of police was discussed on The View with Whoopie Goldberg saying the police unions need to be defunded to get more accountability and so forth...and again all the tactics need serious review. I had said something along those lines not knowing the ins and outs of police training and so forth back with the Michael Brown case...
Very sad the police woman didn't try out her taser up in the air before firing it at a man...and realizing only then she had grabbed her gun. I have realized they have to catch some folks 'on the run' but that man maybe could have had an arrest at his home since they were aware there was a warrant for his arrest (for not showing up in court...on an illegal gun possession charge.) 
It's amazing no one else got hurt with him driving off and his girlfriend in the car.. All very sad but a wake up call for many I'm sure... It's a miracle we get through any given day...and really could consider that ongoing conflict is taxing, stressful and really harmful for many.
 I realize many feel I am always stirring up trouble, but really I am trying to 'deactivate the systemic pitfalls' so more people can have support and help with living safely and respectfully... some of the healing as shared on his five interviews with great guests is about healing energetically, lifetimes of conflict and confusion such as between Chinese and Japanese people...
That was discussed last night. We can play the role of offering the olive branch to one another on many levels, almost like actors playing out the past or healing things so the future can proceed with more light and wisdom...
 I would think we understand movies, plays and stories serve as therapy and guidance as do many stories from faith and other rather than only hone in on legalities and the modern social norms we could take a few steps back and deep breaths and reflect on life with that What If guidance and permission to allow healing in and wisdom to guide out next steps from the one to the many... 
Okay thanks again for all doing their work, rest and play and more with that spirit of team and the greater good... that's what helps the garden of community and care friend or team player at a time.