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Sharing Tips for Books and NYPL World Lit Week...and See Deb Poneman's offers too!

on Mon, 04/12/2021 - 23:04
 To remind myself of things to try and read I'm passing along tips from a friend. Also see NYPL-- New York Public Library Offerings (as well as any library such as of CT for zoom talks and more of those on for instance.
Deb Poneman is offering lots of great talks too (as are many but always Room for More To Join in the Fun!)
Best to all and check our resources and ideas from my other posts on Thanks for all each does to upgrade offers. See some inspiration as well on 
Here's a lesson: 
You can use your keyboard to UNDERLINE something.  Highlight what you want to underline (by passing over the word with the left click button held down), hold the "control" key down and press the letter U. Do that again to remove the underline. If you hold "Control" and the letter B you can bold type. Here is the alphabet of the keyboard control functions if you haven't seen them: .  Enjoy Bill Bryson!  I read A Walk in the Woods (made into a film about his Appalachian Trail hike), Notes from a Small Island (about England) and  Mother Tongue, English and How it Got that Way.
With all the concerns about treating people with respect particularly in terms of police interventions and protocol, review some posts I have shared from over the years.
Hopefully everyone is finding a way to 'play it safe' and be careful about any small reason one might be pulled over (expired registration..that must be renewed annually, current insurance which a driver should check since anyone driving is responsible for the status of the car and paperwork, having good tires, license plates visible and mounted, and basically a host of other 'infractions' that unfortunately can lead to other problems.
If someone is 'at fault' or at risk for being arrested (such as not showing up for a court date or being in contempt of court orders even in custody or domestic violence issue, best not to be the driver of a car or even 'out and about.')
In terms of relationships, many more people are considering the reality of Jennifers' Law of CT that is proposed to understand more about coercive control, psychological abuse, and manipulating custody and threats of not allowing someone access to their children (generally an abusive father pursuing that action to control the mother's options to leave or live apart, to date or otherwise have normal interations and options for her life.)
The National Domestic Violence hotline usually sends a call to a local area,find a lot on, but there are ways to call programs in one's larger region or the next state over, find information online and so on if one has concerns about using the local agency.
Sexual assault concerns (non-consensual interactions) are not well understood by many people even other women or people of the same age or of various faiths, so it is important to consult competent caring people such as at and again online anonymously. See Battered Mothers Custody Conference,, and CA Protective Parents Association (
Take precautions to be safe as much as possible and have plans for each person to be able to stay safe and leave difficult situations, call for help and more.
Not easy to consider but far worse to not understand and allow to fester. Best to all and if in a dicey situation, try not to complicate things if possible.
If a new relationship is desired, waiting until the current one is 'under control and clearly addressed with some written terms' and counselors who can help all parties understand the need for safety and respect is important.
People can write down a MOU, memorandum of understanding and address any new issues that may arise with a game plan of speaking to advocates and counselors as mediators or other skilled people willing to guide people who may be able to receive the help.
Keeping things as calm and safe as possible is important for all people especially if there are children, elders or others in need of care.
Otherwise people who are vulnerable for needing care and support may be placed in foster care or with other family members by a temporary court order.
See what Safe & Together Institute offers along those lines for professionals and other important people in a family or social circle to understand and address.
Mainly that involves holding a controlling male (generally the problem) accountable for the choices he is making as a person, partner or former partner, parent or other role.
Thanks to all for forming helpful support systems for all families, workers and adults who are open to help or even who may need it but are not able or willing to ask for help directly.
More liasons would be a big plus to help more people access social services, learn the laws and ways to get help early on and often to maintain a path of peace and competency as an individual.
Over-identifying with another person or the role one has can be a sign of fear, worry, anxiety and depression and otherwise unhealthy.
Self-care is an important starting place with regular care for sleeping, eating, having some routines and social connections even if online. Thanks again for doing one's best and breathing to relax and take mini-breaks to ease transitions and work with others amicably...