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Important to Work with Other Organizations for Coalitions, Laws, Advocacy...

on Sat, 04/10/2021 - 20:03

The Colorado Coalition for a Livable Climate (CCLC) develops and advocates strategies for reducing Colorado's greenhouse gas emissions to levels supportive of a livable climate..

People are realizing it's helpful to bridge gaps and make connections such as housing, food security and population concerns. Many people are stuck in the past and find it hard to adapt and make changes is what one participant shared. Coalition and campaigning will be covered in the 5th program with the folks. More points raised included having a curriculum for young families, youth and the public to hear songs, and sound bytes of what we can do and start to learn about in 10 minute sections.

More libraries and faith groups, schools and others would want to join in such causes over time. The Music Together kind of songs and program could catch on with an Environmental Theme and Activism. Let's start where we are and grow together in helpful ways.

See the Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (and Circle of Friends) as well as story The Turtle and The Acorn and even the audio that is free of The Jewel Story by Catherine Palmer Paton (yes, me...blogger at and on other sites too..) to invite more into these topics. See what and other nature groups such as Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Foundation and Greenpeace to join the efforts together and keep our boat afloat!

Working with others in personal ways as well as sharing efforts as one can may seed more networking. Intersectionality and climate justice if a key we could all explore more. Migration, for-profit prisons, defunding the police and many social and economic needs are all important to keep in mind. Housing and refugees are important pay attention to as well.

Climate change is impacting key areas and some leaders are not informed or factoring in the basic needs. People are leaving their countries due to climate change such as Africa, Asia via Spain and Italy then through the Mexican corridor. We all need to consider the Big Picture...and again there is No Plan B since there is No Planet B!