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Seeking Healing With a Team and Visionary Effort, Not Pot and Booze so much....but yes to the peace and team fair play

on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 12:45
Hello and Here's to a special week before Easter and during Passover and also when most of the world is tuning into messages of healing, justice (with the George Floyd case being shown on TV) an compassion for people coming up from south of the border..what if there were no border?
 I know that's not a favorite question but climate change is going to be shaking things up ever more so we really should have a humanitarian 'nuts and bolts' plan to camp out in America or have more 'refugee type' mobile units to accommodate masses of people on the move.
Estimates are over 100 million who have to move inland as the oceans rise and other factors in the next few why not see the US situation along those 'what if' lines and get all Americans to have a way to help sponsor a family...on their property if they have it or in communities etc... It seems there would be space and ways to encourage people to have more support to meet basics and prevent other problems that emerge from those issues of poverty, poor education and poor health etc. I think a far bigger problem will be greater numbers of people using pot since it can cause paranoia, problems of all kinds and can be a gateway drug to harder things..
.Ideally people would consider their nutritional needs and not tax their systems. More basic fitness and self care early on in life could help youth and others get their bloodwork done, see if they are becoming insulin resistant, have extra weight to lose, find healthy food and routines for eating consciously and 'emotionally to compensate' etc
. Of course not drinking alcohol would be ideal until age 21 or 25 (since the brain is still on the grow...or ever since by then one would have natural highs and know how to handle being happy and honest too hopefully, not pressured socially or overworked etc.) Both pot and alcohol are depressants so that is a downward spiral and not an easy one to reverse on one's own.
 Dylan Lundgren speaks online as a recovered addict and he says too many people get longterm use of benzo's... (benzodiazapenes) which is a problem usually.
So good luck to us all to learn to detach from the thoughts, pain sensations and difficulties with more alternative healing methods and a sense of 'fresh starts, second chances and thereabouts' to let go and feel the healing on all levels from spirit, thought, word and deed and relationships energetically if not in real life too, with whatever appropriate boundaries and support from others would make each interaction as safe and helpful as possible... this lifetime and even the next.
 Those ideas are more common in movies and in history around the world...and even with more research from Univ of VA exploring 25K cases of 'past life evidence' so hopefully we can all 'catch our breath' and pause in our worries and start to wonder more about the big If in life... Okay, healing and hope for one and all as the messages are shared in many circles especially at this time of year... Peace and light, Catherine
PS See what Lissa Rankin shares on FB about special kinds of insights and healing that can help quiet the blocks and protectors of parts of us that are keeping us from attracting and realizing our visions and best efforts to evolve with love... She has Groups to join and so forth...all inspiring at this important time in history and dreaming out loud as we're teaming up to take on challenges and opportunities, plant gardens and envision brighter days