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Welcome SPRING 2021! Free Offerings (Some time limited. Others which I need to add here like my BrainTime link a few posts down are ongoing!)

on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 13:48

I've been able to hear the first and second parts of the Free Business Training Offering which is an intro to a longer program which will be a paid membership. That's still up for a few days, so Check That Out! Why not share this post to help others too get a boost in a bright direction to celebrate Spring 2021 too?!

I am finishing up a year long time of access to their site and meant to 'do just that' (along with what I also had on my plate which includes and as of now, Rotary!)

Did I stick to my promise and listen in to Simrit and do some of the basic mantras and exercises..only occassionally! But I asked to share the info with my family and they let me..and maybe they each did a bit (one can hope...) Plus I shared I hardly got to it and they gave me one more awesome is That?

Well, I am much in need of mellowing out with breathwork and staying flexible and body-centered (awareness and a bit fit would help too which I do with dog walking..about a half hour daily  but now with warmer weather can easily double that. I even when jogging the other day...) I also listen to for better sleep nightly and hope to get to many more of the FREE Talks about BRAIN HEALTH than can help me and others (and I'll share some choice tips here to guide you along as well...such as going to sleep Before 10 pm but that's easier to do if NOT on the Computer or Watching TV due to the bluelight.

I was learning that from another site which I meant to right down..maybe resurge..I'll have to google it but it said supplements can help keep one's natural levels of key components in balance to allow for better sleep and that in turn helps one not store extra belly fat. Lemon water (warm and 1/2 a lemon in a half cup or so) first thing in the a.m. can help with good bowel health so that's a bonus tip there from Ayurvedic nutrition..but that may be for a certain type which I am ..yet likely would make sense to try for anyone.

Always run anything you're doing by your doctors since even things like grapefruit may be okay or not okay given certain meds. And don't mix meds and alcohol in general, and do eat and check out sea salt from Red Mines in Utah (on my to-do list from a tip from the fellow at (learned that from New Life Expo which is going on from time to time online..and always rather amazing!) Okay so enjoy this while I hear the 3rd round of Toastmasters Contest District 53...