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Nice Outreach to Support a Scholarship

on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 17:42

Sharing a letter to invite more to support this scholarship in memory of Jeffrey Gold from his wife, Carmel L Gold. Their family has a heart of gold on many levels! Thanks for sharing and donating as you can. Let's help The Golds Reach Their Goals to Serve Others!

The Following Outreach letter is from Carmel L Gold:

"My husband, Jeffrey Gold, a diehard supporter of New Life Expo, passed away at the end of October. His commitment to the New Life community of speakers, exhibitors and attendees is legendary.

Jeff recorded and supported the New Life Expo. He brought his expertise, his equipment and some of his mentees to each one. For more than 20 years, before he put anything else in his calendar for the year, he blocked off the dates for the NY, Florida and Yoga Expos. He would never miss the opportunity to be with you. You were his extended family and he loved you.

Most people know that his passion for education, especially for marginalized students, ran deep. In honor of Jeffrey's devotion to bright, motivated, at risk students and belief that higher education is a path to success in life, I have established a scholarship fund in his memory. It will ensure Jeff's legacy by supporting a local student with an annual grant through college, and beyond should the student choose to continue past their undergraduate degree.

Please follow the link to learn more about Jeffrey and the fund. All donations are tax deductible.

My children and I started the fund with $5,000. 

A total of $50,000 ensures this scholarship will be available in perpetuity. We have raised 30% of our goal so far.

 Please consider donating to this worthy cause in memory of Jeffrey Gold.

Our family thanks New Life Expo (as run by Mark Becker) for more than 2 decades of being Jeff’s second home.

Blessings and Love,

Carmel L Gold