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Jacqueline Wales with TheFearlessFactor@Work offering online talks and freebies

on Tue, 02/23/2021 - 15:27

I am grateful I opened up an email to join a webinar Jacqueline Wales is offering tonight.When I signed up more goodies were shared such that I'm even more inspired. Right now I'm heaing Bob Proctor sharing cool ideas that we are energy and thoughts lead to ideas and result in things and skills along those lines. He touches on our unique genetic code plus a lot of 'programming from the environment...' He does assert that babes are a blank slate and I don't really agree with that, but he's saying 'self-image' is formed as part of a paradigm that gives rise to a conscious mind. So worth checking out. See what the Univ of VA says about research is being done about past lives and more... Okay on with the day which will also include some talks by Safe& and maybe some from Sage Levine and others...Best to all on this day and going forward as part of a winning team!