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"A Fire That Threatens to Burn Down Democracy," Those Impeaching Trump Spelling Out During the Trial in DC Feb 2021

on Thu, 02/11/2021 - 18:35

Hopefully there will be a transcipt available to all to review the points made by the Democrats and others during the Impeachment Trial that is being held in DC about the events of January 6th, 2021 at the Capitol. The overall argument that 'the invasion of the Capitol by a mob'  as described by William Barr was incited by  President Trump for many months leading up to the protest turned insurrection. Trump promoted weeks of pricely advertising ( funded by $15 Million from his legal fund if I am recalling that point made 2/10/21.) Sixteen officials resigned from Trump's service in response to the violence in DC. Trump had shown support for others who had set up the rally and the main point that the election for the US President was fraudulent or stolen.

Many said "Trump did not show regret for the escalation and promoting fighting at the Capitol" with months of not only alleging that the votes were not count but egging them on with specific calls to descend on the Capitol.

Concerns are being raised that Donald Trump creates volatility with him taking matters to a dangerous edge and discrediting the decision of the electoral college which were accepted by  Vice President Pence  who could have overturned them.

The mob was calling out for VP Pence as well as for Nancy Pelosi to pay a price. They were both swiftly escorted out of the the Capitol complex on January 6th, 2021 as the mob broke into the legislative building  at about 1:15 pm where the final steps to affirm Joe Biden as President were being made. Trump did not call in the National Guard and they were not called in until 3 pm and did not arrive until 5pm.

"Donald Trump incited a violent insurrection" is what is being shared as well as the longterm harm and difficult impact that continues from domestic security and ongoing DC security needs and high costs.

Trump was tweeting words of support during the attack and the next day he said, "our incredible journey is only just beginning." Domestic Violence Extremists (DVEs) did escalate in every capital and in DC and sparked new violent groups. More threats for the Inauguration were reported from the FBI and many other agencies. "Violent online rhetoric about the Inauguration on Jan. 19th, 2021.

A primary reason seemed to be 'the stolen election' and that there is no political solution to the problem and that violence would be a reasonable way to advocate concerns. Worth looking up more of the actual trial footage, any transcripts and consider hearing from those on all sides to really gain insight into what is motivating people.

  Many people following Trump felt he was leading the charge or approving of those leading plans. Trump did say 'We Love You..." to those at rallies and even on Jan. 6th, 2021. One supporter named Griffin had said there may be a result of 'Blood running out the (Capitol") building.'

That same person said "The Only Good Democrat is a Dead Democrat..." and Donald Trump retweeted that.Griffin had spoken to Trump. Griffin said, he "knows the President of the US has his back." (that was after the blood running quote.) 25K National Guard Troops were brought into DC.  By the way, some have alleged that the Inauguration was taped prior but that is not being mentioned in the trials etc.

A question I would pose is would that have been reasonable and appropriate and legal? Should it maybe be carried out in a more protected space and be filmed so everyone can see it and have some people there to validate it irrefutably?

Many states had to spend far more on security and of course those in DC were covered at a very high price tag. Now back to the trials... The Proud Boys, the 3% and others were telling rioters not to have an insurrection sequel on 1/19/21. All state capitols are now considered a kind of 'fortress' with a loss of access and a dimming of everyone's freedom, the speaker is sharing.