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A few Thoughts Mid Jan 2021... A historic important time in homes and The White House. Let's Do Better Together, Shall We?

on Mon, 01/18/2021 - 19:53

By the way if people have DOOs (Differences of Opinions on one or more points in a given discussion or matter, that may mean 1--one or both are Not Robots, or have different programming if they are...or two they are two humans of the same general life experience but have been believing different things about how life works, how people  and systems should function and so on..even about how to frame a question or concern and map a pathway to a middle ground or other reasonable solution even for a short-term solution if a longer one would take more people and info to figure out over weeks or months...)


 could cull many lists of ideas and game plans from that to handle most 'ituations from the small to the large, and likely could have prevented something like the storming of the capitol by pouring oil on the steps....'by accident'... just a thought for more peaceful folks to have some game plans (and some loud sound alarms going off since that can clear an area quickly...whether car alarms or smoke alarms etc... just a thought..along with other 'marble-ous Home Alone inspired ideas...' that some have thought thru with me along the way..
.Keeping Quiet could become a worldwide game and competition in terms of Not Losing One's Cool by Yelling or Reacting to someone's prompts...and I have had some training in that over the years, but could use some fine tuning. The Giraffe Game is one to see who can stay the quietest, the longest.. in a car ride for that could be played even with people sitting in chairs (6 feet apart due to Covid etc) and wearing masks...and then working up in antics (standing on a chair, running around it to make someone laugh, maybe yelling at another level of play for Non-Giraffe Game so sounds and words allowed...
and higher level still allow for name calling (maybe fake words but with some oomph as from Shakespearean times...a toadstool swindling wilderbeast etc...or jibberish such as goosfin hair knuckle pea stinwiggler...
If you smiled that's maybe one point of 'a reaction' and if you chuckled, 2 points...and if you yelled back Huttospinafishelrite! then that's 3 points...
Next time someone tries to 'get one's goat, make 'em try a little harder or risk losing the game...and if there's Real Prize Money at stake, I'm sure everyone will have their Reactions Under Control By Midnight...and only measured Responses returned to any external (or internal) stimulus of someone else being difficult, edgy, mentally off, antagonistic, verbally abusive or intimidating and physically or otherwise also doing so...I'd be curious if the younger kids can relate to any of the above since emotions can grow overnight in terms of feeling 'one way or another' and being aware of others and ways to 'fight or flee' or disengage and self-protect... 
Kids can learn to 'tell a lie' around age 2 so can start to work with tone, not speaking or telling a whopper etc... I was watching a cute video on TV (Home Video show with stunts etc...) and a 3 yr old girl was explaining in much detail how her Dad did not take her around the block yesterday or the other day so he had to do that today...because that's just the way it is.
 She said it a few times in starts and stops and it was incredible to consider how hard her brain was working to get her point across which he knew all again, we're all works in progress and could take a Breath (like I am doing thru the nose, out slowly thru the mouth...ahhh..with a slight humorous smile which actors do to reset the nerves and relax...) and think of which character or piece of puzzle we are playing...