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Local Resources (some open on zoom to the public) to Brighten and Enlighten 2021

on Sat, 01/16/2021 - 04:33

For starters, check out the talks (and workshops) offered via Salisbury CT's Scoville Memorial Library on FB. Also see what Noble Horizons offers (just down the road, also in Salisbury) on Zoom. Next stop, to catch up on talks as well as or com. I am hoping to learn more from Tikkun Magazine online.

I took time to read their letter about The Greensboro Massacre from the late 1970s that claimed 5 lives and has implications for 'authorities looking the other way and allowing disruption and death!'

I hope to be more positive and upbeat since that can help more of that come my way and our way collectively, so let's do what we can to use our positive thinking and healthy living to fuel success for the rest of 2021, especially at this time of remembering the good works of many over the generations for women, minorities, children and good guys too.

As Martin Luther King, Jr is celebrated and the Inauguration takes place, we have a lot to appreciate about being the United States of A Miracle. We need to keep things as civil and informed as possible. It's our time to evolve with love and succeed in caring and sharing in meaningful ways and in bigger circles than ever before. We're all team players and 'moving puzzle pieces', knowing we need one another and can collaborate as our systems allow, even if physically maintaining distance for safe bets to avoid spreading CV19 symptoms and more... Peace, love and light to one and all for healing on all levels.