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Musical Way to Think of Humanity and Our Collective Song on Planet Heart 2021

on Thu, 01/14/2021 - 14:45

As long as we're tuning into our shared reality, let's remember we 'sleep a third of lives' so take pause daily (or thereabouts.) We mostly have a lot in common in profound ways as human beings and other living beings on the planet. To bring fresh eyes and ears, hearts and minds to the symphony of ideas and realities playing out at this amazing time in our galactic journey (many say with more chiming in from the galaxy than we understood on a wide scale in the past) let's find some code notes to reference our existence, shall we?

To keep things fairly simple, we could use the scale and the melody (if only in our minds, due to copyright etc) from a musical...Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So La, Ti, Do..\

Do (as in doe as in a female deer) could stand for all females,

Re (like a ray of sunshine) could be for all males,

Me (that can be for each person, however one defines oneself),

Fa (for faith, family, friends from all realms, past, present, future, here and in spirit, including plants, animals, and people and more),

So (for societal supports and laws, history and visions of the future with all the natural, intellectual and other resources included),

La (for land and resources from the ground as well as planets), Ti (for water and all resources in the air and beaming through our environment from on high including the sun, other kinds of rays on the spectrum of light, sound and energy and information and our earthly bodies, including humans, animals and plants, etc)

Let these ideas play out for you and our wider world online and in practical ways to see one another in a more harmonious co-existence...and that can actually help usher that version of reality in. When watching certain media and focusing on discontent, confusion, violence and fear, those factors can feed a frenzy.

Discussing the recent situations is important and paying attention to the ways groups operate over time to promote 'us over them' mentalities may be a sign of not understanding how awesome all human beings are and trusting that there are ways to co-exist peacefully. These modern times are nothing like the past when operating in isolation and with limited understanding of what the world could allow. Now we need to think through the ways the world and humanity, nature and animals can live in balanced, harmonious ways... There may need to be changes in consumerism (particularly of land and natural resources that have finite limits...)

Lasting another hundred or two years could be the game plan rather than fighting over who is on the planet with what support in the next few years and decades. There is a chance something from space (an asteroid, Nibiru or other influences beyond our control) will change our earthly, human scene, so not overworrying what we can't control, much like most of humanity has learned to do when in oppressive situations is reasonable.

Basic mental health and physical health strategies to promote a sense of support and accountability would be helpful even voluntarily, but many are not invited to have a place at the table (even pregnant women who are doing the most important work on the planet of having future people to run the world in the next few decades. People over fifty may be planning for retirement if they are healthy and just ways to get by if they are not, so may not be as helpful to addressing worldly matters. People under fifty may not feel they have any meaningful way to get in the game, so are left to their own distractions and thinking of ways to make it to an older age. Everyone, particularly youth, have to feel they are valued and capable of learning how to care about others and our world. Sorry if that's 'overgeneralizing' but we do have a tsunami of elders who will be needing support for medical or mental health needs (or both) and may not have planned or have finances to address care options to help them stay in their homes, communities or small group settings.

There are not enough nursing homes or workers to operate those sustainably. That was the case even before the pandemic, so more serious thought needs to be given by all facets of society. The few 'experts' in each field, even geriactric medicine, are few and far between. Digital programs that are free and accessible online could fill in the gaps. Preventing declining health for all people, particularly with insulin resistance or pre-diabetes on the rise, could be a priority as well. Understanding the link between one's bodily systems and over-eating or craving unhealthy foods in large amounts etc can take a few months or years, and watching television may be a big part of the problem so one may do well to curtail that to shows only (with no ads about food etc) to jumpstart their health program.

Thanks to all thinking along these lines and trusting we are in the Age of Aquarius with the planets giving us the green light to let our love flow like a mountain stream and everybuddy join in a caring team, balancing self-care (even starting with fifteen minutes of daily 'Me Time' to relax, play, take a walk, talk with a friend about something positive or get support for concern, raise a question, journal and also if doing caregiving, then take other time to listen to what that person is experiencing and summarize what you are hearing with compassion and asking if they would like to share more or say something else, not rush them and not come up with a lot of ideas or solutions right away, but let them feel heard and actually consider what concerns or wants are coming up for them even if not seeming serious or practical. Just hearing that they are acknowledged is good medicine...