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CT Representative Maria Horn has strong stand on her site to review the 1/6/20 DC comment below

on Thu, 01/14/2021 - 03:54
I shared some ideas on as I have for many years. I would hope more communities could have meaningful discussions that would allow for people to know one another (or the gist thereof) to understand we are seeking a 'just and fair society' as a way for everyone access basics to live (which can prevent extreme actions linked to poverty and other setbacks, such as poor education or lack of housing and means...)
The book by Simon Winchester on Land is one that could help more of America consider the history of the few owning (often linked to using slaves or other ill means to gain an advantage and laws to take what otherwise wasn't up for grabs and to keep people out of states and towns...a legacy that continues.)
There is much that needs healing on many levels with more people weighing in with rational discussions and ideas to make amends, bridge gaps and prevent further isolation of the have's from the have-nots.
This latest tragic turn of events is waking the country and world up in ways along with the pandemic to bring everyone (and everything) to the surface with a sense of urgency. It is terrible that it wasn't a 'false flag event' which some say will be coming (see what Steve Greer shares...and others even such as
There are many reasons to have wider discussions about the past so we can better consider what is happening now and what would make sense for the future...
Limiting all dissenting voices (which seems to be a trend on various issues) is not what is ideal..relying only on digital sources and not checking facts and such can lead to the social and political unrest that takes on a life of its own...
Let's keep tuning in to those with serious concerns and arguments...and yet be ever mindful that some people cannot use words but prefer swords to 'get their way or have their say.'
The patterns of control such as discusses in Why Does He DO That? (About abusive, controlling men mainly) provides insight into bigger players using similar tactics on a larger scale. Derrick Jensen borrows Bancroft's framework to discuss matters for instance about corporate abuse and destruction of the planet.
Meanwhile a helpful book The Value of Belonging describes how the ancient values of sharing land and natural resources gave way to exploitation of such with the sense of expertise and ownership gaining ground with agriculture and societies seeking more power over people on many levels.
We need to consider the balance and deeper meaning to sharing the earth, resources and land much like permaculture and many scientists say is needed to keep a balance in nature as well as for humanity to survive (and these next few decades are critical...)
Maybe some of the dire energy can be considered a forewarning of what climate change may spark with growing numbers of climate refugees and more...not to justify what happened but to consider What If there's some value to facing many forms of erratic or difficult change whether from people, storms, loss of coast lines and disruption of any kind to basic water and food supplies etc.
We need many layers of back up (another aspect of permaculture is to have just that...) So hopefully we can all pay attention to the connectivity of all things and ways to be team players... Best to all for peaceful weekend right on through the inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.