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From a Great Man named Dan to his many friends on FB and beyond... An idea that is catching on fast (hopefully to everyone's benefit.)

on Sun, 12/06/2020 - 21:11
FazeBook wants me to want you to support a charity for my birthday.
I’d rather have you do something for yourself and a few other people you know. If you want. One small act of kindness from you could be the best thing that happened that day (or that week or month).
I feel better when I know someone cares, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. How about you? Do you feel better when you know someone cares?
It’s powerful. Did you know, for example, that if a trans or gay person is only moderately rejected by their family, the likelihood of them attempting suicide is reduced by 75%? If we reduce the sense of rejection, of isolation, of aloneness in another person, we make the world a little better. A little safer. We spread a little love. If just 1 person accepts someone, they feel they have a significantly better chance to be a happy adult.
So, here’s my ask, and it’s 100% voluntary and private and free.
Please reach out to one person you haven’t spoken with in the last week.
And 2 people you haven’t spoken with in a month.
Also, 3 people you haven’t spoken with in more than 2 months.
How about 4 people you haven’t heard from since this summer.
Connect with 5 people you haven’t talked with since the middle of March.
15 conversations, emails, postcards, letters, whatever you like. Phone call, facetime, Zoom.
Share in the comments how it went. You don’t have to use names.
Tell me you’ll do this, and I’ll donate $5 to a charity of my choosing. Do it by December 10th and I’ll make it $10 and we will think of each other when we light candles at dusk.
Love ya! Have fun!
Added note from Catherine Palmer Paton
Thanks a lot for letting me share this great idea (which people can tweak of course.) It will be a gift of giving that will keep on giving and hopefully sparking lots of great reunions and positive glow. That said I have met many folks who want or need privacy even from people they may have been cordial to in the past. So I hope to develop a system akin to one a friend Cheryl put on the Southern Berkshires Toastmasters FB page about how one is feeling emotionally based on which color cap one is wearing ( from recycled plastic to add humor and allay worries of over consumption.) See a talk by Ted Talk X speaker Dylan Lundgren too to tune into other 'cues' to be alert to about side effects of meds particularly opioids and others, to end on a healthy 'high' note of pro-sobriety!