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Before Corona (BC), During Corona (DC) and After Corona (AC) with Care and Creativity online and in life!

on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 13:34

Let's make a huge splash with as a response to this 'can't do corona-cancelled stage'...getting creativity and claiming your space on the stage of life, personally and professionally (and somewhere in-between) will help us pull through.

What about having more caregiving creatives share this tips and create huge waves of volunteers to fill in niches and ease the burdens of all on the front lines... and creatively re-think how they can have support too such as More Pay for Fewer Hours (working half-time for the same pay or getting loans and so on...)

I will explore more of that on since I realize there is a great deal of untapped talent in the Caregiving and Communication and Assisting Field (aka all parents, women and plenty of men who could join forces to give every working person in the Corona-Everthing battlefield support. That may mean sending specific people healing energy (sunshine, powerful affirmations, and as they like in alignment with their religious and spiritual beliefs...), providing meals through funds and community kitchen provisions with home delivery, and lots of appropriate childcare and housekeeping services (again small numbers that would be permissible), calls on the phone and setting people up with facetime on phones and zoom...and Lots more. Let's put those important skills and talents to use.

I have been communicating with people for decades in letters to the newspaper...(The Lakeville Journal of CT) and others, have done a few radio interviews to share ideas and of course, been on recapping great local events in the MA/CT/NY area and even down in Brooklyn NY. I was a natural networked at Vassar College in the first part of the 1980s having been in Fairfield and New Haven at large high schools and seeing just how much need and opportunity there was out in the big world, but how much depended on what people made of those situations individually and together.

Going to Educational Center for the Arts (for dance for a year) in New Haven CT introduced me to the talents and process of being in the arts, for one's own growth and of course to put on a show, create an album and more. Those interests continued through years at Vassar and other dance programs (Thanks Helen Townsend and your Dance Adventures for kids and adults, mainly women... even at all stages of pregnancy a few times over.) I got to dance with the Torrington School of Ballet during a summer program and get so I could spin 3 x round when normally a double was my limit...and not on pointe just in ballet slippers and basic dance attire, pink tights and black leotard (in a hot stuffy studio a bit like that hot yoga people seek out nowadays.

When I learned of "Dance Therapy" as a thing, I felt I'd found my calling but as it turned out I did free dance and movement mainly for myself and shared with whoever was interested, sometimes with a break out session of improve on campus during I Won'T GrOw Up Day (a time to color and create like kids for the college campus.) I danced plenty on the weekends at parties with that great music from the '80s  that had a strong beat. That's still a hit at reunions but I can't stay up so late now!

 I helped organize the Before School Conference (BSD) which felt like camping back in the northwest corner of CT with our Nature's Classroom experiences from 8th grade on Canaan Mountain with parent volunteers such as Mr. Kelsey who'd stand by the fire to help dry out a sleeping bag even though it was raining still (a memory that came to mind just now and one I learned of his compassion in addition to his strength as we were hiking 7 miles in then out a few days later. My small frame at the time likely was aching for days since my pack felt bigger than myself. Still I know I have friends from another small town who grew up to do daring things like ride horses and one, Caroline Paul, who went on not only fight fires in CA but write about it in her book Fighting Fire.

She came back to talk about that even though I had read up in The Reader's Digest about her work on the cover and article. There are so many people who pulled together in times of need in our small towns and in every community I lived in. In the East Rock part of New Haven people would have a Block Party with wonderful homemade casseroles and salads

. At faith groups, many fundraisers and community dinners would be held, such as at the Sharon Congregational Church. That church which I attended for twenty years mainly with our children and other wonderful families and folks from the area was a huge help to rearing our kids, and providing support on many levels.

I have always hoped there could be more communication to all families and people in general about 'what a church has to offer' in terms of services but also other ways to connect whether with meals, networking, figuring out basic finances and household management, socializing, supporting school groups and much more, even promoting health care for oneself and others with clinics for blood pressure, screening for diabetes and more. There's work to 'staying healthy' and having a good immune system and social network. With some guidance that could be more the norm for people, and fewer would be faced with unforeseen health challenges.

The medical model will be changing I keep hearing. Many people are taking their health into their own hands, and easing out of leaning on what professionals in any field may finally tell them, often too little, too late. Of course even relationships with other people in one's home whether family or housemates, a partner or legal spouse, co-parents or others all impact someone's world.

There are many 'gray areas' about what is legal or required and what is recommended and makes sense about interacting, communicating, having agreements for how conversations (the ones that are needed and other times of socializing) are 'planned for and agreed upon."

Many busy people find they make time to talk through certain issues in person for 15 -30 min at a scheduled time. Maybe some is done on the phone if one or both are away from home or working. Maybe they go out for a walk or find a quiet place to talk away from the home, children, or projects. That may be a regular way to review finances, meal planning and shopping housework or other projects or make travel plans and coordinate calendars, especially with children or others such as nannies or schools are involved.

There are software programs or basic emails and google calendar to help people map out their lives, but ideally there'd be some printing out materials to reference and keep over time to record how one has organized (more or less) one's life to reference even years later.

With scanning or taking photos that could also be a way to store info, especially if one learns or gets help with keeping info on a USB computer file device (something I am learning about and need a system to store safely... yet another Basic area and one that could have a back up with someone else.) 

Okay so plenty of ideas that others can add to in their own circles or better yet share in a forum, possibly by writing to since too many fake comments get posted so I have closed those off for now

. I will be exploring doing a Patreon site but may set up a new site for that since my current one is based on out of date software (from which was great until it didn't support blogging one month to the next!) I am deeply grateful for the time someone offered to transfer all of my posts.

.I only wish I had more support to Not Keep posting there but go to but I'm not sure if everything I share would be okay to do there, some of which copies events and so forth to share with others...I have more research to do.That said, Let's Work Together as there may be interest...on any of these projects..blogging, growing community networks, thinking through what people need and would benefit from and of course, Lots More!

Feel free to get a spiral bound notebook (or sheets of paper handy) and do some coloring and mapping out of one's life even on a timeline or with sketches of people in your life and a typical thing they'd say.  Use colorful markers or just pen and paper to take a snapshot of your life BC, Before Corona (say the past year) and after (in these past two months...) What's changed the most? Who are you missing seeing in person? What are your main routines now compared to then?

To remember the good ol' days how about mapping out (on a timeline or pages at the top) places you lived and the years and people, jobs or schools, trips or social outings you enjoyed? A family tree is another thing to take time to appreciate on paper. What are the names of all of your grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings and their spouses or partners and/or children.

If you have one or two siblings that is something you may be able to track fairly easily. When you get into higher numbers you may want to take a few weeks to track down whose who and maybe add birthdays and other significant days.

Eventually a listing by month with only the dates can help clarify The Family List. You can post tha near the regular wall calendar or in a special spot to help you feel not only informed but connected to family. A group list of each family with their children can help one 'send supportive energy' to each family and help keep lines of feeling connected strong and open. Even without words written on emails, calls and zoom, but those may be things some can work toward monthly, weekly or more often with buddies, formal or informally now and then to keep the lines of connection intact for not only basics but bigger concerns that may arise personally or in our society, In England there are call-in checks for many who would like that, particularly the elderly or those homebound.

That could be suggested for each community to help create 'phone chains' for neighborly calls and email lists (with privacy maintained) or for people in faith groups, schools and areas to feel they can have help networking so more help could be given as needed. That can all take planning but likely now more are thinking along these lines. Thanks for helping yourself with positive thinking and being a team player with good team spirit.

Many may be rooting for us in our world and in another realm (I call it love from above...) and  then there's all of nature and our earthly dwelling places that may offer us more support than we realize. Let's be grateful for it all with some deep breaths as Tammy Adams suggests (@askTammyAdams) taking in positive, loving,healing golden light, and holding the breath to expand the lungs and increase the oxygen capacity in our bodies to our cells and then exhaling slowly and 'letting go of stress, worry and negativity.' Repeat a few times throughout the day, and set intentions for good to come your way even before you open your eyes (see what offers along these lines along with some healing numbers for one's body to say... in Chinese but he makes it easy...sahn-sahn-joe, li-oo, bah,yah, woo (339-6815.) Okay lots more online and so forth but we're getting those creative healing juices flowing..and just in time for that 4/4/20 event when Jupiter and Pluto are in a special alignment (see former posts.)

This day, April 1st is a biggie in Tibetan religion, when all souls from the prior year re-incarnate I think...I better check. But it's a beautiful idea and thousands of years let's Learn about one another's religions and beliefs and see what resonates or may shed light on these times. See the former posts about this time of Passover and Easter as well... and what is happening in nature with the plants and animals in the springtime. Don't overlook the health value of edible mushrooms (so use trusted resources and double check.

Learn which ones are poisonous too before ever 'just going for something and not knowing...: That pertains to much of life and I cover plenty in other on Let's do that. too...Live Fully with ever more awareness and gratitude for the journey.