Skip directly to content with Tammy Adams, Special online programs (some for free) and on Instagram

on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 19:08

 Hi Folks, Just got to have a lovely meeting online...and now will hear Jenn August..and then later today, Tammy Adams who I met at the New Life Expo. She has great offerings as does Jenn (both August and McLean.)


With so much available online now that was only a pipedream 40 years ago (a friend mentioned as part of a think tank back in the day..) we have almost no excuse not to 'evolve with love' or at least wisdom or skills (which we hopefully will find ways to benefit our wider circles staring 'at home' with family, friends and neighbors since that's maybe a big Win-Win not unlike Sharing the Road and Driving Safely... the more people in one's area commit to driving safely  (which I have a few thoughts on, surprise, surprise on other posts) the more likely Everybuddy Can Get to Their Destination on earth and without too many upsets along the way. I am duly noting that April 1st is a special day some Tibetan faith honors as a day when all souls from the prior year reincarnate.

I will need to look up the details but there's lots to consider and appreciate from traditions that are hundreds and thousands of years old and held by loving, kind people wherever they are on his one planet heart. That is special for me to share as I do have loved ones and friends who have crossed over in the past year and know of many others, so I am wishing them all 'safe passage and wonderful New Lives' if that is indeed how these amazing delicate matters play out.

Peace love and light to all during this month of April and particularly today, throughout traditional religious holiday times and remembrances...and on April 4th, 2020 with the planets maybe lending a hand to our journey while we are still on land. See "Urgent Call for 1 Million Meditators' and let's hope that's all for the good and could really help us come into a peaceful time of healing on all levels. We're worth it and so are future generations!

See programs offered also by Laurie Moore of for insights and more. Then there are the more practical ways to network yet also get to know nice folks via, and with some IWOW sessions (In Words, Out Words) ideas to have open mics (even online.) Let's get healing, feeling and dealing with these new challenges honestly and with inspiration and encouragement from near and far...and yes, even with a wish upon a star.