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Update on the Mueller Special Investigation Report from the US Attorney General

on Thu, 04/18/2019 - 17:18

According to a news article that I clicked online on Yahoo! that was written by David Knowles, there's plenty to consider about What's Happening In Washington DC and therefore our country (not to mention Russia, especially online.) Let's be more savvy about things in the future.

 My summary is as follows of the article " In his report Mueller says Congress could take action on Trump obstruction".  Although there was not evidence of collusion with the Russian interference in the election nor sufficient evidence to press charges of obstructions of justice, Congress may have another way of addressing matters to protect the integrity of the authority of the country. There was not a clear case of absolutely no efforts to obstruct justice apparently, but not sufficent for a crime which is what the Attorney General was tasked with in his office.

 The last lines of the article by David Knowles included a review of the past as follows: 

"The president realized the appointment of the special counsel spelled trouble for his presidency. According to notes contained in the report, “when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I'm f**ked.'"

When I read that I initially thought something serious may unfold now. Then I listened to the video of the US Attorney General  William Barr giving some information before the full report was released to the public with redactions made. The US Attorney General, who acknowledged help from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (after Jeff Sessions recused himself), and another head of a Department had requested that Robert (Bob) Mueller do an investigation as to whether Donald Trump's campaign staff or affiliates, including Donald Trump himself, were implicated in interfering with the 2016 US Presidential elections by colluding with Russia.

After two years and thousands of subpoenas in the special investigation, which President Trump did not try to limit or impede, the US Attorney General said that there was no evidence in collusion with Russia in interfering with the election campaign via fake news or stealing emails and then disseminating those to places such as DC Leaks and Wikileaks.

The decision of the US Attorney General to determine whether a crime was committed based on the report he ordered come down to a "Yes or No". In this case there was not sufficient evidence to press the matter of interference with the election nor with an obstruction of justice for not allowing an investigation to proceed from the start and throughout the process. 

Disclosure of the report was made at the discretion of the US Attorney General. He did not have to do that. He answered a few questions, including that Attorney Mueller was not at the podium to respond to inquiries about the report or the process, because Attorney Mueller was turning the report he had requested into him. Some reporters voiced it seemed inappropriate to make remarks before the public had been given time to review the report for themselves.

Other questions involved the nature of the redactions and whether there was an effort to highlight Trump as being treated unfairly in his role of Presidency. The US Attorney General said he was quoting what was in the report and there were no precedents for how information was to be conveyed from such a report, so could not necessarily be held to breaking with protocol in what he presented.

The Meuller Report will be givent to Congress and to the Department of Justice to make available to the public on their website shortly.Stay tuned!


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