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"A Buffalo Crossing the Street" (and a Neil Diamond kind of fellow) all in Brooklyn NY

on Wed, 02/06/2019 - 21:11

Okay, so I saw a photo of buffalo crossing the street at the art show at St. Joseph's College in Brooklyn NY. The show, Expressions: SJC Faculty & Staff is in the Alumni Room Gallery in Tuohy Hall on the Brooklyn NY Campus.

Overall a delightful show visually, with special times to meet the artists (including Feb. 16th from 1-3pm with a dessert reception.) Now for the gem of a fellow named Neil, he's for real and deserves a lot of applause for his steadfast, almost super-human efforts to keep everyone informed about what's happening on the music scene in Brooklyn (and Not Only Brooklyn) NY. He actually attends many events and shared his itinerary with me for this evening that left my head in a bit of a tailspin, but that was in part because he mentioned he bikes from one place to the next.

So much for being scrunched on the subway (and I do want to relate a few stories but will mention a number of amazing peeps have helped me lug important stuff up and down said subway stairs in the past couple of weeks, so Many Thanks!) Let's break a record for acts of meaningful kindness this year and top our efforts each year! Kudos to all who plan to be on time or early, make way for the ducklings and kiddos in their communities including Getting On Crowded Subways... as in Let Them On First Please as in a Line that is courteous and practical.

A note here is that blankets and such can get tangled in stroller wheels (who knew) so to keep dangling things, even scarves and mittens on a string etc to a minimum. We can remember people in the news or in our lives who have crossed over to the others side when we take time to be quiet, enjoy the flowers in a store window or the next art gallery we happen upon or music we hear or create..

. These lives that have touched ours, and I have one such special soul in my life I am remembering now who passed peacefully without much warning in her mid-80s, have a legacy to appreciate as part of a family, social circle, community, family tree and ongoing guide in the hearts of those who know them. Each one is precious and deserving of our gratitude and remembrances whether in letters to their loved ones and friends as well as in our own journals and tributes that come to mind for part of a day or a more formal remembrance. Hugs to all thinking of their loved ones in spirit, whenever they crossed over.

May they all be meaningful healing parts of our continued shared journey....and warn us of any buffalos around the corner (or rattlesnakes in the leaves as the case may be literally or figuratively.) I will add an important notice here of the 14th Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference with a #WeToo theme related to the #MeToo Movement.

See their site for details but amazing experts and advocates as well as mothers seeking protection for their children in legal custodies from abusive, controlling fathers is the ongoing theme. Many parts of the national response system in all fields were falling short so this group is seeking to make strides in our collective understanding of the public health aspect and human rights problem that runs rampant in every state of our country and many others.

We need to awaken to the tragedy befalling 60 thousand Mothers each year (and many more children) for decades. The latest US House Resolution 72 would grant primary custody to protective parents (generally the mothers). That represents about 10 percent of custody cases, so it is a winnable war. The longterm effects on children due to abuse are not pretty. See the post below about ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences...and let's heal the trauma early and for the longterm health and productivity of the victims and their families. We can do this Together! Peace, strength, hope, courage, knowledge, respect and light!

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