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Flash Sale on The Reconnection Online Classes... Check it Out!

on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 03:25

With all the billions of people on the planet being good sports for the most part, why wouldn't it help to know what we ourselves could do to stay healthier and in the flow of good things coming our way and connecting with not only others but "light, energy and information' that could help us on our earthly journey?

That's my way of encouraging more people to learn about what has to offer. Right now there happens to be a sale on one of their online programs so that means Anyone With Computer Access has a chance to learn things that about 80K or more have paid big bucks to get more personal instruction on usually by going to an event for a weekend for 500-1200 dollars or more.

I happened to be one of those and appreciate what I learned. I hope to do more soon and realize they are fine tuning how they are teaching things and want people to stick with one modality. I find that challenging and have met others who also wonder how that can be done in this world of mix and mingle. But some of what is shared is about 'sticking with what works and not confusing or diluting it.' I have heard that theme from many in spiritual circles who say 'find a path and stick to it' so you can get somewhere.

There is a book and youtube talks on The Reconnection by Eric Pearl, so that makes it easy to find out what he is sharing and offering. Hope this is helpful along those lines. Let the journey unfold with hope and trust in the greater good and your own good efforts too. You are not alone and are part of the big picture...Along those lines too, check out about End of Life Doula information to assist anyone with making plans for a health care proxy or representative or a living will (organ donor possibility) as well as how to help someone at the end of their life or when aging..just the basics.

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