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Just to Lighten Things Up, A Llama Will Be at the Library (in Millerton NY) and Fidel Moreno Sharing Native Music and Stories (at Salisbury's Scoville Library in CT) 2-4-17

on Sat, 02/04/2017 - 04:20

With a Great Set of Tips in the Headline, I will keep this short so people can plan to attend (or tune into their own library's offerings) and Get a Good Night's Rest. I've had a few walks donw 'memory lane' in the past week, meeting a great set of folks who remind me of the days of rearing my our own four kids in the MA/NY CT tri-state corner area. Today's stomping ground included the NECC in Millerton where some of the first parent-child community gatherings were held by Karen Kisslinger (see her memorial site for more info about an amazing soul...) 

The idea continues to have open free play for an hour (and with Karen there were more interactive craft and yummy nutritious snack times) and then parent circle talk time on themes or topics a facilitator or parents bring up. While every group of parents is new, they all bring their own ideas and concerns to the table...and a willingness to share each other's ups and downs (and all arounds, maybe even all-nghters with fussy sleepers or even partners who Do Not want to lose a good night's sleep...) well, there's plenty to chat about. Welcoming each other 'into the circle of caregiving' whether as parents, grandparents (especially first-timers on both accounts), sitters or others caring for kids, well, that's really a Key Part of the Fun and Growth as a Community.

Not to be overlooked and much to be enjoyed with additional networking after the group times. Some folks may come once or a few times, others set their week by an array of programs so that Tues and Thursday become library days, Mon and Fri become playgroup days (such as at NECC in Millerton or North East NY) and Wednesdays become another designated day, perhaps like when I was a Vassar in the afternoons on Wed. that was Down Time (and meant No Classes if I recall...a genius idea ahead of its time.) Instead of pay to play sports, maybe we need pay to pray times as in Down Times and Get the Stress and Overload modified..

Okay, for now I'll wrap up and wish all families of whatever configuration a special time in our nation and in their get-togethers whether for dinner and movies or more extravagant Weddings and Reunions...May the love flow and the wisdom grow for US- All as February unfolds like the petals of a rose...I saw a lovely painting done at The Little Red Bird in you guessed it, Millerton NY as well as lovely bouquets at local flower shops, so treat yourself to some window shopping and walks in nature to ease into this 'month of love'...may that be true for you and yours whether an agape (spiritual affection), filial (brotherly love and team work), romantic (fair and kind please) or other special connection such as with pets, animals and plants (gardens...) Keep bloomin' where you're planted or dancin' when you hear music playing when doing your part or dreaming in your heart.. Hugs to one and all this valiant Valentine's Day when feeling friendly and fair-minded carries more meaning than usual. 

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