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I guarantee "3 Women 3 Ways" on will Show You A New Way to See Women, Men and New People (aka Kids) in Courts and Life. Priceless Wisdom

on Wed, 02/01/2017 - 15:33

Timely Priceless Wisdom Awaits You and Your Trusted Friends (please, just to be safe, don't listen in mixed company or men and women or even with those who are likely to argue any point, basis of someone's research for the sake of dismissal or delay, or really who knows what other Triggers...Just Listen Alone for the hour..and take notes since I don't quite know how to tell you how to start and stop and then pick up where you left off.

I heard at least a half hour and know many of these key points which you can find on or org, with the Saunders Study which was funded by the US Gov't for an updated review of what might be problematic with how courts in most states are falling short of protecting victims of abuse, especially in custody cases.

One judge who Had done his homework used terms like 'coercive control' to describe the Pattern of Abuse (many kinds, not just physical or the 'worst' for too many sexual abuse of others even young people...). Judges need training and lawmakers need to set updated standards and key points, state by state which is what The Safe Child Act helps states do.

Others in advocacy say that may take too long and be an uphill battle with varied interests making it a money-game or other trading favors kind of sport. This trend decades in the making has to be given New Life and Importance for the younger generations.

Too many people still trust 'justice will be served' or that the court personnel know or care about what they are doing. That simply is not so in a reliable fashion. Everyone needs to know There Are No Guarantees in this country (America) or others (England, Australia, maybe not even Canada etc). We all need to want to do better and realize We ARe in the Driver's Seat (of our own lives and those who look to us or come after us and benefit or perish because of the laws and practices we put in place...or failed to secure, see how this plays out over time?)

So head on over to and search for the "3Women 3 Ways" which was recorded around Feb 2016. This interview is not for the faint of heart in that it touches on the tragedy of children being 'lost to abusers too often with the family court allowing or promoting that outcome". Often that is under the guise of 'allowing contact with both parents, honoring patriarchal values of a man being the owner and therefore decision-maker of his home with his money and so on.

The fact that women, especially today, bear a child they nurture throughout pregnancy, even if not initially planned or desired after conception, is not a consideration. Fathers and often most of society strive to promote the notion of a child being a 50-50 project in terms of shared values, yet the biological fact is that a child grows in a woman's womb and for millenia had been the primary care resposnsibility of a breastfeeding mother. Many such moms are still not given priority even if there is a close bond along those lines. I have said fora  couple of decades that societal values that overlook the primary attachment model of parenting...mother, father or other figure, are opening a gateway for 'nobody home' parenting standards.

.Daycares and other providers fill important roles, but the idea of some level of consistency (such as both parents taking a child to the same day care or living within the same schooll area to allow the child consistency in the school years) is not readily discussed. But back to the radio talk interview, it's a gift to everyone who doesn't want to study endlessly and grapple with the terms. Barry and the others clarify many common dilemmas which cost many their kids, custody and too often, their lives... Tune in today.

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