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Call and Response...When we hear that '8 People (all Men) have the same amount of wealth as the poorest 3.6 Billion people on Earth" How Do We Begin to Respond? Pitch in a hope, an idea, maybe some ca$h...

on Tue, 01/17/2017 - 01:11

Oxfam International as well as Fortune Magazine are giving US-All some sobering 'facts'. How we hear those or Begin to Respond is up to everyone of us. However in terms of how the global economy is organized, likely we need to vote with our pull state by state and country by country. Sounds like some major overhaul is needed. A Crop Walk in every state and major city would be a nice way to start helping more people feel connected.

There are many good non-profits to help on many levels. I will try to list a few, but some like I've listed such as and 32 Million Friends to close the gap in what the US should give to help poor countries come to mind.Helping others locally 'hang on through tough times' even with small loans, barters, help with rides and care etc can make an immediate big difference.

I for one feel very grateful for help we've received over the decades in my immediate and larger family and I'm sure the hundreds we've helped also appreciate the care and support beyond paid jobs. Yet in the caring professions those count double I'd say since working with people is an extra effort. Of course every job and help adds up and is very valuable so kudos for all everyone is doing, giving and dreaming about for the greater good.

As Steven Greer spells out on youtube and elsewhere for over two decades, we are all likely victims of a very bizarre and corrupt set of game players. We all are but pawns and our planet a major pawnette. We collectively may feel hopeless and overwhelmed, and realize more and more it is risky to even raise private concerns in small circles. Many family and friends likely will 'distance if not disown'  one another for 'making waves'. IF this hasn't happened to you Yet, stay tuned, it seems yet another sign of the times in terms of 'climate change'... not only environmental but political from the top down and therefore social challenges.

I don't like coining such terms but when it's happening and no one is speaking to that as an important 'something to figure out, address and be careful about even in one's circles of friends, community, faith groups and wider circles,' that's when 'perfect storm' conditions emerge. Sadly the author of  Left to Tell spelled out what she saw in Rwanda with the two main cultural groups who lived as neighbors turning on each other practically overnight when they were instigated to do so. I heard her speak with passion and care for everyone to not 'allow seeds of hatred to take root in their hearts'.

 (I see how the word heart is in hatred... so maybe we can remind ourselves that when feeling hatred that Is a condition of the heart. While many who seethe with anger over past or current 'perceived wrongdoings' (which may or may not resemble 'collective reality and facts' but may also be mixed with or based on 'counterfactuals' which are not in support of what was actual said or done.

The Truth can get twisted and is basically open to interpretation. If one has to 'take it to court', all bets are off in terms of what will happen. Even calling for help to police or protective services for children can lead one on a rollercoaster if not a tragic turnaround and result in losing one's freedom, one's children or both temporarily--think in terms of months and years not days with either. ) 

Well this difficult outplaying of What It Means to have So Few Amass Wealth and therefore Power (decision-making etc) (even 62 or 400 families would be a drop in the bucket not justly garnering the Resources from The Commons and Human Dignity for their own purposes.) Just took a  half hour to listen to The Aware Show interview with Mark Waldman by Lisa Garr. She's got great offers on more in-depth programs (which maybe you can do with a friend or two to afford, check it out with Lisa G).

The offering of access to many amazing interviews and such also a basically affordable option..not for the 3.6 Billion people but likely for many who are looking for more 'self-help'. Seems that's done best in groups! Let's hope we can turn our ship around sooner rather than later. Folks at or com with and many others are helping us do just that! Dreaming (and writing goals and steps to take, visualizing the actualization and overcoming obstacles, and tracking progress are themes you will hear in many programs... so dream and theme away!)

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