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Electoral College Gives Trump 307 Votes for President of US (as in You and Me and 300 Million Americans) What's Next?

on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 04:32

Youtube is chock a block with many conspiracy theories..and maybe more people are considering possible scenarios due to mainstream headlines about some 'fake news'...What is That? And how can we all start having more assurance about what is Really Going On? If we begin to accept that maybe We Can't Know or Even Get a Good Idea, then maybe we can slow down and regroup. On this day, Monday, December 19th, 2016, Trump won the Presidency 'for sure' with the majority of Electoral Votes well over the needed 270.

I am no expert and get snippets to try to keep up. So by all means, keep doing Your Own Research (and check the snopes or other sites that seek to debunk theories...and consider whether those are all 'fact'.) Wishing everyone who had a birthday or other special occassion to celebrate their due too for today (and each day when we realize some are being born while others are leaving. With that 'reality' take hope that there may be an afterlife and possibility of reincarnation.

Some Tibetan theories hold that a person may reincarnate into another newly hatching fertilized human egg on the Same Day that one 'graduates'...or on a cycle of 7 weeks (or 49 Days) or on April 1st (no foolin'). One may want to appreciate that Possibility and count out 9 months After a person dies and consider that the deceased person could be 'reborn' at that time. Another theory I've heard recently is that a person could be abducted by aliens (and appear deceased or go missing.)

The other option likely not very common, is that a person could be a walk-on in terms of going into a person's body who had a near death experience and actually spiritually died, yet when brought back to life, had a new spirit come in (and not have to go through a childhood...). Maybe other human hybrids (with other animal or such forms) might also be possible...

See Steven Greer on youtube for Those kinds of ideas. When considering the American and International Political Scene, it doesn't hurt to look far and wide for some insights to figure out what might be what. As the night is still unfolding on Electoral College night, I light a candle...and recall the high school saying painted on a basement hallway "There are those who curse the darkness and there are those who light candles." Time to be candlelighters and keep the faith...and find good friends to handle the times in which we live. Hugs and hope to all with peace and kindness on their hearts and agendas.

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