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From One Waterfall to the Next, Keeping Afloat on Earth with Open Hearts and Minds

on Sat, 12/17/2016 - 14:16
Sharing one of those 'annual memories that pop up on FB'...of a fellow in his thirties standing on rock in a faraway land in a shorts with his arms stretched wide (like another fellow who loved the Grand Canyon did once in a photo many of us like and which I have done in front of the Florida ocean coast as giant wave of love to y'all). In this energizing photo of the strapping fellow, a waterfall fills the background along with a natural pool in the river with folks sitting on other rocks and swimming. I happened to just reflect on how our teen son Kaelan A. P. Paton (who passed at such a much fiercer waterfall type location in CT in 2009 when helping a friend who thankfully survived) would have viewed this election..and then to see a pleasant photo of a good fellow in a faraway land standing atop a rock with arms wide open gave me that overall message to 'rise above and keep the faith.'
Let's 'keep it light (even during the important fights we may feel called to be witness to for freedom and fairness) and know the real winners are on our side...the good guys, the angels, our loved ones here and in heaven and friends we haven't met yet..."
Hugs to all our buddies in heaven, here and yet to come and Happy holidays all around with that inner love theme, respect and teamwork ringing through the new year... more ideas on the ol' blog too, where you're welcome to chime in with a comment on any post (even about the Father, Son or Holy Ghost, but certainly more material ideas such as favorite holiday traditions-- a very popular post on or great schemes and dreams for the New You Year...or a simple howdy doodie in case some kids want to tell their latest joke or older person has a pun to share like how Trump is now Putin on the Ritz and Takin' US All for a Ride We Only feared could happen.
Weren't most thinking 'maybe he will head toward normalcy just to show he could, like riding a bike or falling off a horse, how hard could it be if you really want to be a team player and make life a little better for most people and give the planet a chance.
Well, Steven Greer on youtube educating the public to Reclaim Earth and All Political Realms. Better than a mythic Santa and more like Christ on the cross suffering the pains of warlords over the decades, Steven Greer is holding out Huge Hope with Eyes and Arms Wide Open--and let's just pray the whole Eyes Wide Shut maladies and downward spiral can be addressed by the angels if not good ETs if that's an option.
Now that is Far More than I meant so share, so take that as a message from the higher realm that cares for US-All and works as we allow through all of our gifts and connections. In my world that means the Holy Spirit with the Great Director and 'Life-Giver" Father or Creator orchestrating that as the team captain and leader we need to consider has our best interests at heart and gifts us new beings (who we call babies and kids but who likely could also be far more evolved and ready for the future than we can seem to comprehend..
so maybe entertain them on more than equal footing with respect, guidance and support and hopefully when (not if) they are in charge, they'll repay the favor whether we have our basic functioning faculties or are doing something different (spiritually maybe having signed up to balance our individual and collective karma and group learning about Being Human 101 when awake, asleep, when thinking or now and energetically and spiritually tuning into the many meanings of a shared experience and all being one and connected...I'll wrap up on that upbeat vision and hope all can be clear about choices and making a decision (about the little time and minutes and the bigger stuff and longer periods of time too.)
Some say to 'live your life backwards' in terms of think of where you want to be in a year then plan what you would need to have that unfold reasonably. The same tactic could be used for 'how you want your elder years to go.'
For some that may mean moving or making agreements with family and friends about vacations and visits if not caring for one another in some way, as part of a Care Team.
For others, that may mean selling some things or buying another kind of car, property or making some investment (insurance, getting a gold money account--something like bit coin but based on small amounts of gold since many say money may become obsolete or become MIA, yes, missing in action if banks close..not to cause panic but like in It's a Wonderful Life maybe more aspects of such possibilities need to be discussed by normal folks and try to network independently from what those in charge (banks, ads, media or even would suggest, but the latter is supposed to be on the side of the consumer.)
Okay to head to a 'happy note' I will share I am going to hear a wonderful Hallelujah Concert on Pacific Ave in Brooklyn. It will be televised live at 6pm and I think the website is I'll check and correct if not. Still the real religious idea of love and goodness needs to trump the divisiveness and the Hu folks say (from say the healing sound of Hu is for all to try and use along with their faith.)

A universal language and appreciation for our shared human experience was mentioned in the Letters of the New Yorker so I'll post more on that soon too, but that could help bridge our communication if we learned the simplified universal language in addition to our own and remember to try to hear what someone is saying as though they were extension of oneself or on one's team.

Not easy to do, but a little practice could help us open our ears, eyes and hearts to see each other as healing helpers rather than competitors or anonymous others. "fa-la-la-la-la, la-la, la, lah.."


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