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Radiance Reignited raising funds to help kids stay safe abroad. Gift-giving ideas to help others always very cool. Thanks a bundle!

on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 05:48

Many folks are tech savvy enough to know how to do a GoFundMe or other kind of fundraising for a good cause. When there is an immediate need, there is often a local circle of giving. Some more popular online personalities and outreaches give to specific organizations (see Jennifer McLean's very inspiring initiatives abroad which partner with a Five Pillars Community Model, that helps bring clean water and food, healthcare and school services as well as basic housing etc to encourage a community to take root and be able to flourish.)

The Radiance Reignited email I got from Elisabeth Shaffer is asking for $35 to help kids in a faraway land. The bonus she offers is 5 replays of talks from a Summit that a thousand folks had attended online. I need to do my homework and see what That was. I was trying to give away some plates I found recently and ended up visiting a neighbor and meeting another nice family in the process. I was going to attend a concert but with cold weather coming on, decided to stay within a couple blocks of where I'm staying.

I was gifted with a festive parade of Mexican dancers in costumes. I need to look up the holiday but I felt 'the party will come to me' if I can't get to it. I'm listening to talks as well on which are all about 'health and healing on many levels.'

They ask intriguing questions, mention angels and the Divine are watching over us all the time, and lots more. Not bad for staying up past my bedtime, but I hope to get to bed shortly and That dream will come true. I happened to meet a friend of a heroic firefighter who ironically passed in the waters of Lake Tahoe when helping save his young son who was swimming in 50-degree water off a boat, but got a leg cramp.

The NYC hero was named Martin Simmons and in the way I'm learning of how folks may say hello from heaven, I feel that's the case especially during this holiday season in December 2016. I had shared with a football coach about how our teen Kaelan passed working to save his friend from a dangerous water situation, and thankfully the lad was saved.

At this time of year, we can all plan for safety in terms of staying warm from the cold, taking care when travelling, mainly staying home at night and doing errands during the day and keeping friends and family posted about routines and trips.

After hearing moving talks in churches in the Brooklyn NY area as well as many in CT over my lifetime about 'being saved' the point that we can survive spiritually is a theme we can draw strength and hope from as any face the challenges as a mortal being. Putting one's faith in Jesus is an option and yet the way people do so is not always loving and accepting.

Too often the interpretation of exactly what that means becomes divisive, so let's pray we can find common ground among Christians of all walks, as well as in interfaith and secular ways. We are one world and need the earth to stay intact and to keep turning without more fighting.

I think most people age out of feeling too angry or wild. But of course, maybe out of fear and worry, some pick up the pace or network with negative motives.

The underbelly side of belief, what we are not even conscious of, is often something No One Talks About. That's why I mention it here, before I hurry off to bed. Allow some answers to come through in your dreams and when you quietly ask while breathing when awake with 'an open heart'...what do you want in a healing positive way..and what might be behind a mean-spirited or fear-based set of feelings or thoughts?

Allowance and acceptance of our human experience and finding ways to become more tuned into our 'real soul experience' as well as the outplaying in our real world lives and relationships can be a fascinating and helpful journey to pursue as the new year comes round. Peace, love, light, forgiveness, healing and well-being with help from near and far, above and future friends..hugs, and g'night...Catherine

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