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A Little Respite on St. Nicholas' Day (December 6th it turns out) from serious talk and tuning into the dreaming of The Jewel Story (released for free as an audio at this time) by Catherine Palmer Paton (that's me, so see other post by googling it)

on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 21:43

Hello Lovely Big World, even if headlines would keep us thinking of the turmoil we might be in, the world is bigger than that...And in the spirit of 'fantasy realism' where dreams can come true in one's imagination, I share The Jewel story from a couple of decades ago that I told my kids for bedtime which I made up, with new parts a few nights in a row.  Here's the link if you'd like to get right to it... The Jewel.mp3 

For the record, the story is not officially a Christmas story yet fits in rather nicely and can be used as folks see fit to enjoy the seasons of the year and of their life. I hope it is a bridge-builder among traditions and values of shared wonder at life, growth, caring and connection with others, the earth and the greater forces of love and universal wonders.

I feel the story wrote itself and hope to put a couple out sooner rather than later (Angel Family Snowflake and The Turtle and The Acorn being reminder to self and any collaborators out there.) I also have hopes to get a play done about more real-life issues. I heard a song today about a divorcing couple (or separating one) wanting to still be friends and help their kids understand in a kind way that sometimes that is how life goes.

Very nice idea. Most who have journeyed down roads of hope then change and transition could write a similar song. Then people could share the reality that life has ups and downs and we are all okay mostly in terms of trying to keep track and not despair when changes come our way. The book by Lisa Reynolds Still A Family is one I'd like to read but also understand more from Lundy (Bancroft) and Barry (Goldstein) that if there are difficulties with control or danger, well, it's best not to push for 'reconnection'.

The other reality for many is that there can be geographic, legal and social challenges that indicate 'less interaction is more wise'. That can be for any kind of relationship that is rocky. Holidays and such can make the stress of that seem to rise like the temperature in the Bahamas in the summertime. But having social (and online and calls work, even journalling or writing letters one doesn't sent necessarily) can help one cope with whatever comes up for one. Being invited to something can be stressful as can Not being invited or otherwise more intentionally excluded. That still happens for plenty of adults and of course those in teen or even younger groups.

No matter, take it easy and curl up with a good book or a listen to a story like The Jewel..and let your dreams unfold in a positive way for yourself, and yes, even for others. If folks give you a hard time it could be you are the one to circle them with a sense of compassion for their journey that likely has been harder to bear than they can share at this time. With that warm note and permission to give yourself a hug and pat on the back for doing your best and pacing yourself through the year and the seasons of your precious life, I invite you to enjoy The Jewel story...even a 'chapter at a time since it's got lots of surprises along the way.' Feel free to share it with a friend and online as the spirit may move you. Hugs, Catherine and co.

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