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Not an Easy Election to Watch Unfold but since I lost sleep over it, Time to Report Donald Trump is Indeed the Next US President (more than 95% chance the NYTimes said, with as many as 308 electoral votes at least, well over the 270 needed). Time to Pray.

on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 07:01

It's almost 2am and I happened to be up and curious about CT elections..Senator Blumenthal, Elizabeth Esty were among the ones I wanted to know kept their positions. Our local activist Brian Ohler pursued the spot Roberta Willis held as a CT Representative, and won over Bill Riiska who served in steadfast but quieter ways

A FB post mentions they will likely work together on some issues. Let's hope that can play out for more teams of leaders 'from both sides of the aisle and include the fringe too.'And yes, the biggest news of this part of the century, that out of the field of many Republican candidates for President, not only did Donald Trump land in the lead role after primaries, but has actually been elected the President of the United States. Now we need a miracle in America to 'piece ourselves back together again.'

Let's work toward getting some accountability teams seeing what the plans are (and were stated to be) and how they might reflect more of a middle line since the country was really 50-50, though in some states that was more like 70-30. Too late for more numbers, so a good night to all. We all deserve a peaceful R-E-S-T and let's hope for the B-E-S-T given this outcome. See my other posts and start your own advocacy if you haven't yet. Fence sitters likely will think twice when they see how close many local, state and even national elections were. Democracy is not for the faint of heart or weary worn. Ideally all states would allow for early voting and more standard terms for voting (which does not allow for almost arbitrary discounting of votes if a mistake is made, something is not filled in fully, etc. )

Everyone could and should watch a short video to be more familiar with the process. I found it helpful in my small town, even without pressure for lines and a friendly environment. Check out the free talk from also in the next 48 hours or other discussions I will hope to list before long.. let yourself be guided toward positive change makers, as likely now more than evern good hearts and hands will need to join together to make a world of difference as some challenges may loom large for many. Peace, love and light..and empowerment for all!

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