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There's Snow in Sharon Ct and New Neighborhood Policing in the 88th Precinct in NYC

on Thu, 10/27/2016 - 13:00

See FB page in December 2016 to learn more about the Policing in the 88th Precinct in NYC...  

After learning Snow Has Fallen in Sharon Ct this morning from Marshall Miles on FB (a networking page called NW Corner Chatter that I was lucky enough to join before the 3K something limit was reached and is organized by Brian Ohler, who is a Republican running for the same seat as Democrat Atty Bill Riiska for the seat that will open as CT Rep. Roberta Willis retires but is not mainly political as much as a hub to post events and share ideas to improve community, so try to get one up and running if you're area may benefit. And all the best to all running for political offices with good intentions for US-All and the ability and stamina to get the talks and programs up and running.)

 Now back to the NEWS (from the North, East, West and South.):There's no business like snow business especially in Oak-tober. Tree puns anyone, don't pine away what will be willow be.
Greetings from NYC where the 88th police precinct will roll out a community -based police format. Check their FB pg in December to see which dozen neighborhood police will be on call to address matters with more support from other agencies but still be serious,about stopping crime when that crops up...Cops cutting down crime crops of stealing,dealing,and free wheeling past the law....

See more on and consider the ways more if that could benefit any area. Neighborhood watch groups and actually have a friendship -based regard for people Working Together (not at cross purposes) can return great living dividends. See  FB info at the top of this post. I will summarize a video I can't copy yet that
 shows the second in command of the 8th precinct giving details on 10-26-16 (Hillary's Birthday, so not a bad way to mark the occassion...and Happy Birthday to Everybody whenever that may be along with safety in daily living).

About a hundred people attended an interesting community outreach held at St. Jospeh's college auditorium after a nice buffet of sandwiches (which are fun to think of sandwishes too if you need some creativity prompts or food for thought for a better diet and world) and other goodies. A half-hour presentation with a short video and more intros of actual officers who will be the Community Officers in the Four (changed from 10)Sectors, A for Adam, B for Boy, C for Charlie, and D for David. There will be patrol cars for those areas and other support as well, all integrating an awareness of who is in which area, which businesses and schools as well as roads need monitoring.

The larger schools wil have regular officers there daily, M-F at dismissal who then go to the parks in case kids congregate there without the right intent (fights or other problems). Generally, the two officers describing their routine said, that takes care of most problems but as they all said, they will welcome concerns or ideas online or with a call from the people in their sector. Attention to Domestic Violence can be added by others in the department and community advocates like Safe Horizon. Criminal matters will be handled with some input from the victim, particularly if misdemeanors are addressed through a criminal or restorative model.

That needs a post of its own, but the point was made to me after the talk that the studies from some that an unemployed perpetrator is more likely to offend in a serious manner, so there's a lot to consider. I offered that an officer consider and The problem of what happens in divorce and custody court versus criminal court (going from night to day...where custody too often goes to abusive men due to funding streams that look like political buy-outs..oh yeah, maybe They ARE political buyouts).

The point is more people have to assist the development of the well-intended programs. Saving a man's job sounds great but as the officer relayed, that could cost the woman her life. It's hard to know which cases will turn south when guys are let off the hook from seemingly harmless misdeanors (which he gave an example of a guy using his fist to give a woman a black eye rather than using a weapon in an act of violence.)

From my CT trainings as an advocate and interested person, an injury resulting in a black eye likely would be an assault beyond a misdemeanor which is called a felony. The more serious the charge, the bigger the penalty which can result in job problems or loss. Think of the NFL however which is realizing they need to not sweep problems and abuse under the rug. The public is expecting more, even the victims who for decades had no recourse until DV (domestic violence laws) were in place. Unfortunately, the economic bite in the butt ( or impact) should be considered by all parties well before Dating, Living Together, Having a Child or Getting Legally Married or Buying  Cars or a Home Together. Maybe an alternative 'supervised work program' could be started for men who offend (and yes, women who offend as well, although they are often doing so in defense or as a usual victim--see other posts on this blog which go into more details or see the sites above by Barry Goldstein and Lundy Bancroft. 

Other issues that came up were about  the difference between bicycles which are motorized only when being pedalled to assist the cyclist in peddling versus those with independent motor features. The former are allowed by the NY City Council, but not by the State Law. That makes for a gray area, and harder to enforce any regulations. Vehicles that go over 25 mph or perhaps any with a motor feature should be regulated, but again often are not. Then there are laws about cycling speeds (obeying traffic speeds) which some say are not typically followed by cyclists. I wrote a 15 page piece covering concerns along with the Bike Lane construction ideas in Clin tton Hill NY on this blog, so comments could be added there, which I will do as well. 

Now back to a peaceful election season after the Global Oneness Day online event wrapped up and the Healing with the Masters series by Jen McLean will air for free online (and is for sale at 70-100, or 200 dollars to own and model other outreaches on. These include many inspiring and healing ideas by a handful of talented, experienced people as well as some recorded live calls.

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