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"Carl Jung coined the term 'Synchronicity'" fills in a lot of exploratory questions

on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 00:38

As the last Presidential debate kicks off shortly, I wanted to think of something 'positive'. I shared the rather alarming 'truths or huge possibilities to consider' in the prior post about Steven Greer, UFO expert and activist on Plan-It Gaia or Earth.

This movie on Synchronicity,, is tuning into people's everyday experiences (and not so everyday) of 'co-creating with the unvierse and others on the planet. I'm listening to shorter talks on homeopathy, consciousness as a force that creates our reality in 3-D that can affect 4-D space, and much more...chi, etheric body and much more. Now I will post to get this out sooner rather than later

. Rudolf Steiner and Barbara Brennan is being mentioned by someone (maybe Jennifer Palmer who is a blogger I need to look up.) More open discussions would help on all of these topics, but basically everyone is a miracle and very capable type of being who can develop intuition and community efforts to create a better experience, health and healing and growth on the many levels.

Stay 'tuned in...' to these far out ideas, 'consciousness material can be controversial...even with great credentials'''but it does "turn our understanding of reality on its head for now" but maybe will become commonplace is her prediction. She has a book maybe I need to look That up next, Active Consciousness, which speaks to us being at a major collective "Choice Point'... perfect segue to the Choice to use our Voice and tune into the Debate...may it help US-All awaken.

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