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Another Big Why---Why are Things so Warbly At the Top (in Gov't & Faith groups and Countries at Large)?

on Sun, 10/09/2016 - 12:57

It's one thing to ask a question and another to 'answer it'. Maybe we can only guess, but let's try while we have a little time to do so.

Steven Greer (who deserves a batch of Nobel Everything Awards) has thankfully been joined by kind souls here and from elsewhere in the universe to get important messages out to help people first ASK questions even while asleep or in the What IF imaginative type games or thinking if one cannot actually allow oneself to wonder out loud or see any information on 'new topics that don't make sense and may not be real or even may be real."

 We are Level Zero in terms of a civilization...we are not up and running with sustainable energies and living peacefully on the earth whereas other civilizations in the galaxy put up with our trouble-making and slow progress. But most of the world and our leaders have been kept in the dark for the last 60 years.

Covert military interests became the seed to allow for a takeover and silent agenda of scientific developments to be used as weapons. Those in charge want global control and domination who control hundreds of trillions of dollars of a petroleum-based society and money stream.

I am listening to Steven Greer's talk from July 2016 when he disclosed "The Most Important UFO Document" in London. France is doing a lot as are 24 countries in terms of disclosing UFO info, but not the US. Many leaders are not infomed in government, whether in the CIA, Defense or Presidency and Congress.

That's why things are warbly at the top. Dr. Greer says that is illegal to not be informed, and that secret unacknowledged sections of the country (here in the US) is not okay. Projects were pursued that were not approved so the operations were illegal.He faced threats of being arrested in 1991, but he put them in their place and thankfully he has lived to tell the tale.

So who exactly is behind the curtains of secrecy and harm? Mainly those benefitting from the monetary stream and implementing their plans from the 1970s where new enemies are cooked up to keep serving up wars to use their products. More to come but hope more people feel ready to Think About This Now. On a Linda Moulton Howe intereview with someone who time travelled, a man disclosed that a nuclear problem (aka war) may be a possibility for Jan 2018 and take out a few major cities in the world. Not a good scenario...and radioactivity does not usually stay in one place.

I wonder what Steven thinks we can do to prevent that if it is likely. The main countries were Iran, the US (D.C) and a few others. It's amazing what can be shared on the internet even without anonymity, but ideally we can start with more of those that have some backing from peer groups.

Now, enjoy the coming seasons and tune into the hopeful ideas that healing and consciousness are ours for the indulging in on many levels. Waking up and pacing our progress as a way of evolution and appreciating our time on earth in a whole new, necessary way...It's thrive or not survive game time in the next few decades and apparently every year, month, week and day can make a big difference. 

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